"You don't have to find a permanent one yet, play around with them. It also helps disassociating yourself from it if your playing a role." Neja said taking her hand off of his arm.

"Thank you." Was all he said walking down the dark hallway and into the room his sister entered.

After that day they trained together more, Nyx teaching Azriel the styles that was taught to her and him teaching her Illyrian. She helped him get associated with her spies, soon he was even recruiting his own. His first were a pair of twins, half breed wraiths, and they were naturals to the game. Now being stationed in a Hybern war camp as common whores.

In between fighting and working she also showed him Velaris watching as he just stood in awe.

When the war started to get more busy they saw less and less of each other. Always out on missions and when they did see each other it was about the war or they were too tired to do anything together.

But one thing they always did did was keep notes on both Cassian's and Rhysands units. Every time the two went into battle the twins became distracted and terrified that they will receive word that their boys were dead.

For the longest time, both males units were victorious, Cassian and Rhysand both getting talked about more and more after every battle they go into.

But then it came.

Neither of the twins have heard word from Rhysands unit in weeks. Nyx was the one to tell the High Lord.

"Sire?" She asked hesitantly he's been overworking himself since the war started.

"What is it?" Orin said tiredly rubbing his eyes. She was the only one he showed any weakness to.

"We believe your sons unit has been captured, we haven't heard word from his unit in two weeks." She watched as his anger grew and he pushed some papers off his desk.

"Keep looking for him but stay on task." He said as a dismissal.

It took two more weeks of scouring the lands until they found him. They informed their High Lord who quickly rallied a force.

They stormed the camp. Took it easily and only left a few alive. Who Nyx immediately sent to Neja to get "questioned". They found Rhysand pinned in the ground his wings staked in. She stilled at the sight of him. She sent her shadows to the motionless male was alive. Thankful when they came back telling good news. Yet it was clear he's been tortured.

Azriel started forward only to be held back by his twin. He looked at her incredulously, "Why are you stopp-" he was cut off by Orin.

"Because she's a good shadowsigner who follows directions." He snarled. "Bring him in, leave the stakes in." He commanded before stalking to the main tent in the camp.

Two soldiers moved forward and brought him home to Velaris.

And Nyx followed her High Lord.
"Orin?" Nyx said softly.

"Don't look at me like that Nyx." He growled before running his hands through his inky black blue hair. He spoke softer this time. "The final battle is soon, I don't want him there." He said making her understand. "But I do need you there." He stated.

She nodded in reply. And several days later Nyx was covered in mud and blood. Next to her was Azriel. They fought as a whole. Slaying anyone who came within a few feet of them. Their shadows worked also. Telling them where they were the most needed. At one point the right flank was falling. The twins immediately slipped into the shadows and appeared to it seeing many people falling only few left trying to fight back. One Illyrian was holding the brunt of the force. He was soaked in blood and mud the only thing showing was his red Siphons glowing brightly. Their brown hair falling out of the loose braid.

She knew looking at that person who it was. Cassian. Both Nyx and Azriel rushed to his side. She slide her sword in between the ribs of a Hybern soldier watching him fall before picking off a few more easily. Falling quicker than they could be replaced. They kept going until the right flank was under control. Summer Court warriors rushing to help keep it under control.

Giving a dark smile to Cassian who gave Nyx a wide grin that was half feral the three of them threw themselves back into the fray.

For the rest of the battle the three of them stayed by each other's sides together holding off the entire right side.
When Hybern called for surrender they celebrated. The whole lands celebrated. With the end of the war meant celebrations for the next few days Velaris didn't sleep. They introduced Cassian, after a few hours of begging to their High Lord, to Velaris.

But they were called to soon back to duty. For the next month Nyx stood by her High Lord's side as he helped negotiate terms for a peace treaty.

After they got home the next few years were peaceful. Azriel took a more permanent role in the Night Court.  And that made her less busy. So she visited Rhea more and more happy to spend time with the black haired girl.

But like all good things, it must come to a end at some point.

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