A small glint of medel caught her eye. An earing.

Smiling to herself she tore it out making him squirm in the chair. But sadly no sounds. A idea from a shadow flashed through her mind and she gripped the ear taking the knife and placed against the crease between his head and the ear. She slowly cut the male.

This time the male did scream. Loudly. The ear came off with a squelch flopping on the ground. Her shadows swirled with delight all offering her ideas.

With the scream still echoing through the room she started with his hands. Cutting deep marks around the stake. His screams grew louder with each ministration.

She switched out the knife's for the next round opting for a less sharp blade. Flipping it once in her hand she turned to Orin. "Do you think breaking or severing hurts more." The voice Nyx asked in was full of curiosity and innocence, like she was asking which candy he liked better.

She watched his face light up in a sort of feral amusement. "Why don't you test then both?"

It was two hours before she was pulled out of the room thoroughly soaked in the Faes blood. She looked wet from a distance but If someone came closer they would notice it looked to thick to be water.

She ignored the tight feeling in her stomach instead focusing on the slight thrill she got and soon the guilt was gone. And she was even happier to see the smile on Orin's face after he followed her out.

She was released from her lessons for the rest of the day after that. Orin wanting to take her into the city for the day.

She quickly washed off the blood watching as it drained from the bath.

When she came out of the bathing room Orin was sitting on her bed a small box in his hands, and one beside him. She took a seat beside him eyes already trained on the boxes. Her shadows trying to figure out what it was.

Orin often brought her small presents. Anything from daggers to clothing. And she also had a small collection of trinkets on her desk from where Rhea brought her things.

He handed her the box and she quickly opened it. Her hands were met with a soft cloth. Pulling it out she realized it was a full body suit.

Dark black the whole way. Orin told her to try it on making her quickly get undressed. And slipping on the tight fitting clothing.

It hugged her body softly. But she could tell the material was strong. And as she looked around the outfit she noticed small pockets that would hide weapons if needed. At the bottom of the box there was also a pair of boots. Which Orin showed her the small knives that popped out when she kicked something.

She loved it.

The second box was longer than the first one. She lifted the lid and the breath was knocked out of her. Her eyes widened and she gently picked up the sword that was sitting in the velvet box.

It was scarily balanced. The blade itself was black. So dark even when her shadows went across it they disappeared. She gasped slightly before standing. Nyc did a few practice swings, noticing how it was slightly big for her hands, but she would grow into it.

"What material is this?" Nyx asked twirling the sword in her hand a few times getting used to the weight.

"It's called Obsidian or Black Glass. It's extremely rare." Orin said watching her practice with it. "I wanted to give it to you on your sooner, but decided to find out your birthday. I went to your fathers estate and asked for it." Nyx's gaze widened at that her eyes darting to her High Lord. "He's not a very kind fellow, is he?" Orin said a dark smirk coming to his face.

Nyx felt sick for a second. "You killed him?" She asked setting down the sword.

Orin smiled slightly. "I didn't. I wanted to but it's not my kill. Maybe next birthday you can go and visit him." He said meeting her eyes.

Nyx breathed out in relief. Not because she was worried, but she didn't want the man dead until she had a chance to look him in the eye. "I don't know if I want him dead." She whispered looking down. "I want him to know he didn't break us."

Orin stared at her for a second. "We can always just go and scare him." He said a small smile playing on his lips. In the year that Nyx has known him. She realized that he was not like people have made him out to be. He's passionate about his City, will protect it till he dies. And when there aren't any prying eyes or ears he's quite likable.

Nyx knows he puts up a facade when around outsiders. Even with his family most of the time. She remembers him not even looking Rhysand's way when he came to get her.

"Anyways I would love to see how his hand is healing." Her High Lord said his smirk turning cold and slightly feral. He took in her widened eyes and laughed a little. "I said I didn't kill him, never said I didn't hurt him."

"Thank you." Was they only thing she said, not knowing how to express her gratefulness.

"Come, were meeting Rheana to go to Hlo's." Orin said while standing. It was one of Rheas favorite restaurants and turning into one of Nyx's.

Orin let her get dressed in her regular clothes, carefully setting her new armor in her closet and her sword in her weapons closet. Before heading out. Greeting Rhea who was dressed and ready to go.

Nyx stared at the younger girl, she was very pretty, wearing traditional Night Court clothing. She was also standing next to a small pile of presents. Nyx's eyes widened slightly at them.

But she couldn't ask about them as Rhea tackled her into a hug. "Happy Birthday!" She yelled wrapping her arms around Nyx's waist. Nyx immediately relaxed into the hug, hugging the girl back.

The rest of the day was spent in Velaris. Listening to the music and eating food. She visited with the citizens all wishing her a good birthday.

By the end of the day she was falling into her bed exhausted but happier.

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