Chapter 18: Reveal

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This is a short chapter only because I wanted to finish up part 2 and start on part 3. In the next chapter, you'll be plunged deeper into the world of werewolves. The different wolf packs, and of course, our antagonist will have to rear his ugly head sometime. J

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Chapter 18: Reveal

She was so close that he felt her heartbeat rapidly against his chest. Her lips eagerly responding to him seared his nerves. Bishop hadn't planned for it to go this far. One kiss, and he would have some access to her thoughts no matter how well-built Katrina's defenses were. It was only supposed to be a kiss. Nothing more than a means to get information.

Bishop softened the slant of his mouth, marveling at the sweetness of her tongue warring against his. He breathed her in like a dehydrated man in sudden contact with a water source. The edges of his mind blurred away, and expanded. The whispers of her inner mind melded with his thoughts. Katrina's insecurities, her desires, but more importantly, her secrets could be easily accessed if he would just reach out and touch them.

This was wrong, he thought, hesitating. Just one touch and he could be certain of her loyalty.

Katrina grinded against his hips, breaking free of the kiss. Bishop opened his eyes, and looked up at her. She was wet, flushed, her lips swollen. Bishop struggled to maintain his stoic expression when his heart nosedived into his stomach when she leaned over and whispered.

"I know what you're doing."

Bishop meant to respond, but words immediately failed him. How could he explain that he both wanted this, and wanted his power? He wanted her, and wanted to control her.

Katrina smiled as she slid off his hips. She bobbed in the water next to him, keeping her hands on his shoulders. "I don't blame you, Bishop. You're not just an Alpha who wants to control my every move. . It's part of the soul mate complex, isn't it? It's not exactly a secret that we're attracted to each other either."

"What makes you think I'm attracted to you?" he responded, always testing her.

Her voice dropped to a husky drawl. Katrina trailed a finger down the center of his chest, sending electric bolts straight to his heart and groin. "Well…considering that I can hear your heartbeat, and you were practically shouting your thoughts of wanting to drag me upstairs to your bed, I'd say I'm pretty spot on with the attraction."

Bishop smiled faintly. "You can hear those thoughts because I let you hear them. Your body is something I want. But with that body comes a mind, admittedly, one that I don't know anymore. I'm more interested in that."

Katrina faltered, her expression falling before she schooled it back to nonchalance. "I know. What's it going to take for you to trust me, completely?"

"When I can believe everything you say. Why did you come back? Alphas don't fall easily. What really happened to your father, and your pack?"

Katrina turned away from him, unable to escape. "And if I answered your questions, will you stop interrogating me every chance you get."

Bishop wanted to say yes, but he resolved for the truth instead. Katrina deserved it. "Katrina, I won't stop until I'm satisfied. If I wasn't the Alpha…this is who I am now. The pack comes first, despite my feelings."

Bishop held his breath. This was the make it or break it moment. If she wasn't game for his plan, then she would be effectively rejecting him. And he just had to fucking accept that.

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