Ep 23: Impmon is my friend!

Start from the beginning

Impmon blinked. "A friend?" He stares down at the dollar again. He then frowns and looks around in the wilderness. "Who's there?!" He stares around at the trees, and looks to see if anyone was watching him. But no one, was there. "Gosh...this girl is messing with me." He growled. He walked away. 

From some bushes nearby. Gold eyes peeked through. A low growl was heard from it. 

(The following day) 

Haru and Jin were walking side by side. As they were walking through the park. The two friends were holding their digimon partners. Jin narrowed his eyes as he stared around at the trees. "So, this is the place they told us to meet them at?" he asked. 

Haru nodded, and stared down at Epipamon to explain. "Julia called us last night, to see if we can meet them all here. You still haven't met everyone else yet." The plant digimon explained. Jin sighed, slightly annoyed. "Whatever." 

Kotemon stared up at him. "This could be fun though Jin!" He said as he closed his eyes. "Don't you think it would be nice to have more friends?" Jin shrugged again. "I guess..." He looks up when he heard shouts from up ahead. 

Haru and Jin noticed Guilmon, Kazu, Kenta, and Jeri standing in the pond. The four of them were all laughing as they were splashing each other. 

Kotemon looks up at Jin. "Can I go over there?' He asked excitedly. Jin raised an eyebrow. "Sure" The dragon cheered as he jumped out of Jin's arms and ran over to the pond. 

"Cool-off time!"Guilmon exclaimed as he hits the water with his tail, splashing Kazu and Jeri. 

"Hey!" Kazu whined as he shook from the water on him. 

Jeri laughed. "I wasn't even that hot!" 

Kenta and Guilmon were laughing at the two of them. 

Guilmon smiles as he looks over at Kenta. He leans his tail down once again. "Can't forget Kenta!" He hits the water with his tail once again and splashes Kenta. 

"Whoa!" Kenta sweatdropped as he was covered from head to toe in water. Next time, remember me without soaking my underwear... Kenta thought as he was standing in disbelief. He then smiled and fixed his glasses. "Now...your turn!" 

Kazu shook his head. "Are you crazy? We can't fight a dinosaur with a tail that can splash like that!" 

Kotemon jumped into the pond and ran over to the four of them. "Hi!" The four of them turn to look down at the rookie digimon. Jeri smiled at him. "Oh! It's Kotemon! I haven't seen you in a while." 

Guilmon tilted his head. "Huh?" He sniffed the rookie digimon. Who slightly pushed him away. 

Kazu and Kenta turn to Jeri. "You know him?" they asked. Jeri nodded. "Yeah, he is partnered to that kid over there." She pointed over to Jin. Who was currently watching them all. He had his arms crossed over his chest. 

"That goth kid?" Kazu asked. 

Jeri shook her head at him. "Oh come on, be nice" 

Kenta noticed the girl next to the boy. "Wow, she is a tamer too." Haru waved at them all. 

Kotemon tapped his kendo stick against the ground. "Hey! I wanted to see if I could join your game." 

Guilmon wagged his tail. "Sure, us against them." The two digimon nodded. And a splashing contest started up. All of them were laughing. 

From the side. Julia smiled as she looked past the five of them. "Oh it looks like Haru and Jin are here." The purple hair girl started to run off. "I'll bring them over here." She races off. Pansamon was on her shoulder. 

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