Ep 4: Video game errors

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Digimon Tamers: Tiffany scripts
Digimon and the characters is owned by Toaianimation
I only own Tiffany.

Takato and Henry were in the park. They were hiding amongst the trees. Unknown to the two boys Tiffany was hiding behind a tree watching them.

"Who knew Terriermon had it in him? Oh, sorry Henry." Takato whispered.

Henry looked down at the ground and Takato raised his hands in a way to wipe away those words he just said.  "Hey don't worry about it. After all, Gargomon didn't really hurt anyone, that girl's fine."

"Look Takatomon, I can walk on my hands."

Guilmon falls down and Gargomon laughs at him.

Gargomon chuckles. "It's easier when you cheat."

Gargomon is standing upside down against a tree.

Tiffany raised an eyebrow. She didn't understand why they had that champion digimon standing upside down like that. Didn't digimon dedigivovle quickly after a fight? Why is it still champion level?

She took a picture of the champion level digimon on her camera.

"Can I stop now? This is a real pain in the neck." Gargomon whined

Henry shook his head. "Not yet."

Takato titlted his head in confusion. "You think this will turn him back into Terriermon?"

Guilmon crawls to Gargomon.

Henry nods. "It has to. I sure can't bring him home as Gargomon, now can I? He's too big."

Takato chucked. "You got a point."

Tiffany nods. She could just imagine how her mother would reacct if she saw Gargomon walk into their apartment. She would probably faint in surprise.

"Can you imagine what my parents would say? They'd freak." Henry exclaimed.

"I know how you feel. Hey, maybe since he digivolved on his own, maybe he can figure out a way to de-digivolve. I mean this must happen to digimon all the time, especially the rookies. Hey maybe that girl would know, should we ask her?" Takato suggested.

"I'm not gonna ask her, you ask her."

Guilmon falls flat on his face again and Gargomon laughs at him once more.

"Guilmon fall down, go boom." Gargomon chuckles.

Takato sweatdrops. "Hopefully his mouth will de-digivolve first."

Henry sighs. "I doubt it."

Guilmon tries again.

"Now I got it."

He falls down again.

Tiffany rolls her eyes.

"Of course he has to try again. So childish." She mumbles.

Takato rubs the back of his neck. "Nice try, come on it's time to go home."

Guilmon wags his tail. "Oh boy, I'm supposed to meet my friend to-" Guilmon covers his mouth. A look of worry shows on his face. He then puts a claw to his lips and made a "shh" Noise.

Takato raised an eyebrow. "What  friend?"

"I can't tell you Takatomon, it's a secret."

Henry chuckles. "I guess Guilmon has an imaginary friend."

Tiffany sighs in relief. She was getting worried that Guilmon would tell them. And they would keep him away from me. I had to get as much evidence as possible.

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