Ep 10: Return to Rookie

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Digimon Tamers
Digimon and characters are owned by Toeianimation
I only own Tiffany and Pansamon.

Takato is standing in front of Growlmon who is growling making Takato too scared to move.

He’s huge, he’s huger than huge.

A leaf passes by Growlmon and it gets burned up, Takato slowly backs away.

I know I wanted him to digivolve, but now he’s so scary. I probably look like an appetizer to him.

He has a flashback to when he was drawing Growlmon.

Why didn’t I make him smaller?

Growlmon growls at him more.

I’m just a big jalapeno pepper with legs.

Takato hangs his head down in fear.

At least maybe I’ll give him indigestion.

A single tear falls and Takato looks up.


He sees that Growlmon’s the one crying.

"Don’t...be...afraid." Growlmon cried.


Growlmon has tears that form in his eyes and Takato starts to move over and hug him.

"I’m so sorry. I’m not afraid of you." Takato comforted him.

Takato starts to cry too.

"Was I really that scary? I mean when I was fighting?" He asked.

Flashback to the battle.

"Dragon Slash!"

He then physically attacked DeviDramon.

Only if you find huge, scary things scary.

"Takatomon, I want to go back to being Guilmon so you won’t have to be afraid of me anymore, okay?"

Takato smiles. "That’s a good idea. Let’s go back to the park, relax, and figure out what to do. It shouldn’t be that hard. Right?"

Blaine, Tiffany, and Julia were all walking together.

Gatomon was happily being held in Blaine's arms.

While Gamimon walked close to Julia's side.

"I can't believe it...." Tiffany whispered as she looked over at the purple hair girl. "I'm so sorry Julia...I would have never known."

Julia frowned as she stared at the ground. "Gamimon...is this all true?" She asked sadly.

The panther digimon nodded. "It would be better if you watched the video dairies you have left for yourself." He explained.

Julia nodded slowly.

Blaine bit his lip. He knew he would have to tell the others eventually about Julia's condition. But he didn't realize it would be over night.

"Blaine, don't concentrate to hard or you will lose it." Gatomon teased.

"Thanks for the comfort." He mummbles.

Gatomon smiles. "I am always here."

Tiffany looks up at the night sky. "So Guilmon digivolved...that means everyone's digimon has reached the champion level." She announced.

"It's only a matter of time until one of our digimon becomes an ultimate level digimon." Blaine says brightly. "I wonder who's digimon that will be."

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