♥ ch. 2 ♥

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Lucy was incredibly intelligent. She was most likely the brightest in all of Magnolia University. Her whole life, she was always smart. Her parents made her study day and night, maybe that was why she was so intelligent. She studied with Ribbon, one of the servants in the Heartfilia Mansion. He was tough, he always wanted her to succeed.

Even in middle and high school, she was always the smartest. She was top of her class for the seven years. Either she was incredibly smart, or everyone else was dumb. Every single test or quiz she received back, they were always the top grade. Sometimes the other students envied her, but they mostly left her alone. She graduated as Valedictorian in eighth grade and in twelfth.

She took notes during her classes. Every single class, she wrote about three to four pages of notes. She barely used them for studying, but she always thought that they'd be useful, but they never were. The professor walked over to where she was sitting and handed her English assignment back. A+. The boy Lucy saw the other day with dark blue hair was sitting next to him.

"How are you so smart?" He asked, leaning over and seeing her grade. Lucy felt a little afraid since this boy looked much meaner than Natsu. He constantly had a scowl on his face. Lucy saw this boy around regularly since she had multiple classes with him.

"I was just born with it, I guess." She said, folding her paper up and tucking it into her backpack. All this time, the boy would not stop staring at Lucy.

"Hey wait, I think I recognize you." He said as Lucy turned her head and looked at him. "I remember now, you were the one Natsu was talking with." Lucy rubbed her chin, trying to remember even though she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Who's Natsu?"

"Salmon hair."

"I remember now." With a random hair color like salmon, you could easily remember him. 

"My name's Gray," he said, holding out his hand. Lucy felt uncomfortable touching this man, so she politely shook her head at his hand.

"Nice to meet you," she said as he awkwardly pulled his hand back into his pocket. He brushed his fingers through his dark blue hair and stared off into space.

"Do you have personal space issues?" Gray asked, turning his head and looking back at her. Lucy wanted to laugh, but she knew that he was being serious.

"No, I just don't like shaking hands." Lucy said seriously as she put her notebooks in her backpack. Gray laughed at her remark and looked at his paper with nothing written on it.

"Whatever you say," he said sarcastically, making fun of Lucy's statement. Lucy frowned and looked down at the desk, she clearly felt awkward. Gray was somewhat cold-hearted, not caring about anyone or anything.

A few minutes after, the professor dismissed class and left the classroom. Gray stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder. Lucy pulled out a different notebook and placed it on the desk. Gray looked over her shoulder and saw continuous writing.

"You a writer or something?" Gray asked rudely as he stared down at her personal writings. It was written in cursive, so Gray had a tough time deciphering it. Before he had any chance to read anything, Lucy tucked the notebook back inside of her bag.

"I just like to write down nonsense when I'm bored," she lied. The truth was that Lucy loved to write and read.

Lucy always dreamt of becoming a professional writer or an author. Ever since she was a child, she loved to write during her English classes. Whenever her teacher said that a story-writing assignment was being assigned, Lucy was ecstatic. Even her classmates were in awe over her writing abilities, including her teacher.

She read to be able to gain different writing styles. Reading and writing were her favorite past times. She spent a lot of her time at the local library, just reading and pretending like she was the only person in the whole world. Whenever she read a new book, it was like entering a new world for her. A new world where she could possibly start over.

Gray scoffed at Lucy and clicked his tongue, clearly confused on how someone could be amused by writing down nonsense. "Okay, well, want to hang out?" The words rang through Lucy's head, she hadn't really 'hung out' with someone in years.

"I'm fine," she muttered out as she quickly ran out of the room to the library. Gray clearly thought that she was weird, but he also thought that she was interesting.

Lucy finally reached the campus library. It was a peaceful place, barely anyone came. Most of the students of Magnolia University liked to party and get wasted while Lucy liked to stay in and relax. She was sitting at a desk, writing some of her novel, The Adventure of Iris.

She did not notice that someone was leaning over her shoulder, reading everything that she was writing down, Natsu. "That's some pretty good stuff you're writing down," he said as Lucy perked up. Without thinking, she turned around and slapped him across the face.

Immediately, she regretted it. "Oh my word, I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you." She said as Natsu stood up on his own and felt his face, burning hot.

"Geez, how are you so strong?" He asked. He did not want to admit it, but the slap did injure him a little. It left red marks on his cheek, and his pride definitely plummeted a little.

"I was just born with it," she lied once again. Lucy actually took self defense skills when she moved to Magnolia. She was scared that she would meet someone like Loke again and have to protect herself.

Lucy looked at Natsu and recognized him. "Hey, I know you." She said, tucking her papers into her bag. "I saw you at the coffee shop." Natsu scratched the back of his head, blushing a deep red.

"I never forgot you," he mumbled out quietly, but Lucy heard and blushed. "So, do you like to write?" He was trying to change the conversation since he realized that Lucy heard him.

"No," she said sarcastically. "I'm just writing a novel because I hate writing." Natsu laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. Lucy could tell that he and Gray were very similar.

"Your writing is really good," he complimented her. Lucy blushed like crazy, no one had ever complimented her writing before. Though, Lucy had never shown anyone her writing.

"Thanks," she said. Her body was trembling and shaking. She held onto her bag and drove her fingernails into the leather.

"How come you're shaking?" He asked. Lucy could note one thing on this guy, he was straight-forward, just like Gray.

"Sorry, I'm just not good around people I don't know." It was true, Lucy wasn't comfortable around those who she was not close with. That was one of the mistakes she made, trusting someone so easily and quickly. She ended up being broken, tortured, and abused.

"Then why don't you get to know me?" Natsu suggested, being completely serious. Lucy shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"Well, I-" she said, trying to say at least something, but nothing would come out. She was terrified of getting to know someone again, especially a boy like Natsu. For some reason, Natsu reminded her a lot of Loke; straight-forward.

"Sorry, I guess that came off a little weird." He said, blushing a light pink hue. Lucy shook her head and adjusted her bag on her shoulder.

"Don't worry," she said, smiling at him. "It's me, not you."

Nalu Novel

willowlynnewrites © 2018

Some mature scenes

are included, do not

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