Too many questions that would be ignored by him. He was here to prove himself something. To work his worth. To show the queen that he was not only the PRINCE. He was someone else inside. Her son that could do something out of his life. He clenched his fists as he remembered how his mother had given him that ultimatum. Well, he was going to be something on his own and then mate with someone of his choice! 

He felt a hand on his thigh and felt Krist kneeling next to his chair, looking very concerned. In fact, the girls were looking at him with concern too. He guessed he had leaked his emotions a bit too much. He smiled at Krist and patted his hand: "I am fine. Are we going to have lunch together?" Krist smiled back and replied: "We sure can." Krist then stood up and went to inform his manager that they would be having lunch together. Singto watched him go and realised that it was Mika who usually had the guts to calm him down. Mika was an alpha and was able to reach him in the middle of his chaos with great difficulty. But this time, Krist effortlessly calmed him down and was not even aware of what he had done. 

And this soon became a topic for gossip among the filming crew. The girls must have seen everything and narrated it. When Krist was sitting and eating silently opposite to him, Singto was dying to start an interesting conversation. But he had no clue what to talk about. Which was a new thing for him. He was usually the one whom everyone looked for during a meeting. And then he tentatively chose the safest one; acting. It worked and they were having fun talking about their favorite films and actors for the whole lunch. And just when it was nearly over, Krist looked at him with a serious expression and asked him: "I know that this is not my place or status to ask you something but why were you so angry and yet so determined earlier? You seriously made those girls afraid."

Singto froze and Krist instantly raised his hands in defense: "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." There was a long, tense moment and Krist stood up, afraid that he had seriously offended the prince and opened his mouth to apologise when Singto waved him elegantly back down on his chair. Singto spoke, looking at his hands: "I am just ashamed about this incident.." Krist remained silent, giving him the space he needed. And then Singto started telling him: "I had a fight with my mother about........" Krist listened to him without a single interruption and when he finished, Singto raised his gaze to look at him. Krist was looking at him with a serene look, without any censure in his eyes. He then smiled to Singto and said: "Well, welcome to the club."

Singto laughed and said: "Man, I feel light all of a sudden and I can't even explain why." Krist chuckled: "It's alright. I get you and I will give you my full support for you to prove yourself. Go for it!" Singto, this time felt no adrenaline rush as he looked at Krist's face beaming face. This new feeling was fuzzy making him want to reach to stroke his co-star's chubby cheek. He was still day dreaming about this when Krist then stood up and reached out his hand: "Friends?" Singto shook his head at Krist's antics but stood up and shook his hand. Both of them felt those sparks again but there was like a mutual consent to ignore that attraction. Singto smiled at Krist: "Friends." 

They walked together back to the set and Krist said: "I will not be going soft on you, stripper boy. You have to work hard and prove it to the world that you are not just the playboy prince and the stripper boy." And he winked at his newest friend. Singto chuckled. 


The first day was finally over and Krist got to his apartment where he just threw himself on his bed. He buried his face into his pillow and sighed. The day was really eventful. Not in terms of acting. This was fine. Well, except for that fact that Singto was looking dashing in his first year uniform though. His heart started to beat very fast when he came face to face with the prince in the morning. Krist was begging it to control itself. He did not need a stroke for his first day. And during their pause, Singto's aura had suddenly changed and Krist found himself in front of him, calling out "Hey, are you okay?" with no reaction. He then instinctively knelt down next to him and placed his hand on his thigh. It was then that Singto finally calmed down. Krist went red as he thought what he had done. This was so embarrassing placing your hand on a stranger's thigh. 

But this was not the most embarrassing thing that he did that day. He had placed his foot right in his mouth when he blurted out the most noisy question ever to the prince. "...but why were you so angry and yet so determined earlier?" Krist groaned in embarrassment. It was not enough that his mind was full of the prince all day as they worked together and then he invited him to tell him his troubles, his personal troubles. He really thought that the prince would be angry for his noisiness but no, the prince told him what was troubling him. As Krist listened to him , he realised that the prince had nearly the same problems as him. And he got him perfectly. Why should the adults control their lives?

As he thought about his mother, his phone rang. And it was his mother. As soon as he picked the call, his mother shouted: "OMG Krist you are dating the prince!!!" "WHAT??", exclaimed Krist. His mother said: "Don't you lie to me!! I just saw the pictures!!" Krist said tentatively: "Pictures?" His mother said excitedly: "You both look so cute together." Krist put the call on speaker and went on his IG. And there, he found the pictures of him and Singto. There were several. One where he was kneeling in front of Singto talking to him. One where they were sitting eating lunch. One where Singto was laughing with him. Oh he loved that one. He was smiling as he found other pictures and froze as he heard his mother say: "I am so happy for you, baby. You finally listened to me. And the prince is sure an alpha that can look after you very well."

"What are you talking about??", said Krist, very afraid of his mother's assumption. "Well, I don't mind having him as my son-in-law. And it's high time you settled down. I compromised with you having a career. And you did it wonderfully, son. But it's time for you to accept the truth. You need to be mated." Krist groaned inwardly. This conversation was going out of control. He said softly: "I am okay right now Mom. I don't need to be mated yet. And my career is just starting now. You promised me that you would support me." His mother retorted: "I did and I am. But you are an omega. You are vulnerable. Listen to me and get mated. The prince is definitely a good catch!" Krist rolled his eyes. He did not need his mother to throw fuel on his new and strange feelings he was having for the prince. "Mom, we are just friends and co-stars. Nothing more."

Meanwhile, Mika was saying: "Mind telling me why are you smiling like a fool since you came to my apartment?" Singto looked at him briefly and gestured to him to come to him. Mika frowned and shook his head. Singto rolled his eyes and said: "Just come here for a moment." Mika shook his head more violently: "No, you are being weird right now." Singto sighed and came to his best friend. He reached out and touched his best friend's hand: "You feel something?" Mika looked at him like he had grown a second head and said: "Are you insane?? What am I supposed to feel??" "I don't know. Sparks?", asked Singto. Mika touched his forehead to Singto's and whispered: "No, he has no fever." Singto chuckled and moved away. He then said: "I made a new friend today." Mika raised an eyebrow at him and Singto continued: "Krist."

Mika burst out laughing. He now knew why was his best friend so happy. They were in the first year of university when Singto found Krist. He had said: "He looks so young. He is younger than us. I wish to work with him one day." Mika smiled at the memory. "So, friendship already?" Singto beamed and nodded. Mika went to sit on the sofa and said: "What is it with the sparks though?" Singto sighed. "I don't know. There are sparks when we touch." Mika who was now focusing on his laptop said nonchalantly: "Maybe because you are alpha and he is omega." Singto then shrugged and thought: "If that is the case, then we are going to be fine, ignoring it. Right?" Omegas and alphas lived together in this society and they sure could be friends by ignoring that attraction.

Both Krist and Singto were thinking about the same thing: "Just friends. We're just friends"


Done!!! Ohhh thank god... I was so stuck on this chapter... I wrote it like hundred times and erased it... So, this chapter might not be what you expected :3

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