Chapter 2

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"How many more Royals until we've captured all of them?" A menacing voice asked from a throne in a dark room

"J-Just one Madame." A young Eciflip boy replied

"Who?" The woman asked angrily

"T-The E-Eliatrope King, Madame, K-King Y-Yugo."

"Ah yes. The King of The Eliatropes. Such a powerful kingdom."

"We can't find the Eliatrope Kingdom Madame. T-The Council o-of The Twelve a-agreed to hide t-the kingdom, b-because its people i-is entirely m-made up o-of children."

"Of course. Bring me King Sharam Sharm, and The King of Bonta."

"Y-Yes Madame." The Eciflip ran out of the throne room to gather the two kings

The woman smirked and picked up a mirror, with a blue frame that was painted with teal designs, and a small, but powerful gemstone in it. "Show me King Yugo." She growled, the mirror's surface fogged and swirled with colors, but soon revealed Yugo, who stood happily with his brother and Baltazar. "When I find your Kingdom Yugo. I will capture you. I have plans, and you have a large part in those." She smirked "What's a worldwide nation, without a powerful pawn of a King?" She began to laugh, the laugh turned to a cackle. She set the mirror down, as the Eciflip boy entered the room with King Sharam Sharm and The King of Bonta "You are both part of the Council of The Twelve. Correct?"

"Yes. But why does that matter to you?" Sharam Sharm asked

"Because only The Council of The Twelve knows the location of The Eliatrope Kingdom."

-------- At sunset, in The Eliatrope Kingdom....

"Happy Birthday Yugo, Happy Birthday Adami." Eva said as she, Dally, Elely, Mini, and Flopin walked in "it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you to Eva." Adami replied, he waited for Yugo to reply to Eva as well. He looked at his brother, and rolled his eyes. Yugo hadn't said anything for quite a few hours

"Yugo is something wrong?" Dally asked

"No, I'm fine. It's good to see you all." Yugo said, forcing a smile

"You're terrible at hiding the fact that somethings wrong, you know that right?" Adami laughed "We can all tell that smile is fake."

"Amalia's not here yet." Yugo sighed

"She'll be here." Adami reassured Yugo

Suddenly there was a crash, a woman with long black hair pulled up into a regal gem covered bun, a long black gown, a long noir cloak, pale skin, tall black high-heels, a silver tiara covered in blood red rubies, and long black gloves walked in through the shattered window. She walked across the scattered shards of glass, her dark gray eyes fixed on the Young Eliatrope King. "Can I help you?" Yugo asked

"Why yes. I'm Venus la reine noire." She smirked as she pulled a blue and teal mirror out of her cloak "You're King Yugo, I assume." She asked as she tossed the mirror from hand to hand A/N her name is basically Venus the Dark Queen, but in French.

"Yes. Why're you here?" Yugo asked

Phaeris stepped in front of Yugo "Little King, you need to leave." Phaeris said plainly


"She has the Eliamirror."

"The Eliamirror?"

"Ah, Vieux Dragon Bleu. Of course you know what it is. Allow me to demonstrate what the mirror does." Venus smirked as she lifted the mirror A/N She called Phaeris, Old Blue Dragon

"Little King you must leave. Now." Phaeris exclaimed. Phaeris looked at Adami

Adami nodded and placed a hand on Yugo's should "Ad. Don-" Adami teleported himself and Yugo

"Vieux Dragon Fou!" Venus shouted "Vous avez seulement reporté ma victoire!" She aimed the mirror at Phaeris "Votre roi, sera ma MARIONNETTE!" She yelled, and then began to chant "Votre esprit est à moi. Ton âme est mienne. Tu es ma marionnette." A beam of light blasted out at Phaeris "Votre roi doit être mon fiancé. Les soldats trouvent le Roi Yugo." A/N she said, Foolish Old Dragon! You've only postponed my victory! Your king will be my PUPPET! Your mind is mine. Your soul is mine. You are my puppet. Your King is to be my Groom. Soldiers find King Yugo.

A dark army flooded into the castle, and searched through every room "M-Madame." The young Eciflip boy stuttered

"What is it Cat Enfant?" A/N she called him Cat Child

"K-King Yugo isn't in the c-castle. Nor is he i-in the village."

"BIEN PUIS GO HUNT LUI! J'épouserai le roi d'éliateur et il sera ma marionnette!" A/N she said Well then go hunt him down! I will marry the Eliatrope King, and he will be my puppet!

"Y-Yes Madame!" The boy ran off to gather a group of guards

"Il sera ma marionnette silencieuse. Et il sera mon mari." A/N she said He will be my silent puppet. And he will be my husband. Venus turned to Phaeris, who stood staring blankly across the room "Puppet. Va trouver mon Fiancé." A/N She said Go find my Groom.

Phaeris blankly walked off towards the door. Venus turned to the Percidal family. Eva stepped in front of Elely, Flopin, and Mini "Stay away from my children." She growled

"Ah yes. You must be Evangeline. I'm Venus la reine noire." Venus smirked "And your husband is an idiot." Venus blasted Dally as he tried to sneak up on her "He's my puppet now, but worry not. It's only for a few hours. Vieux Bleu for a few days. The mirror needs time to regenerate, before I can turn Roi Yugo into my puppet, Forever."

A/N Vieux Bleu means old blue, and Roi means King. I used google translate. You can check if you want.

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