thirty-three ≫ savor now.

Start from the beginning

He told me to put it in and press play, and I did just that. The first song that played was A Party Song by All Time Low. The volume was loud, but not too loud because I still wanted to be able to hear what Luke was saying.

"This was the first song we heard together." He said.

I thought about it and he was right, when I first visited him in the mental institution, that was the song he chose right off the bat from my phone. I involuntarily let out a small "aww" and couldn't stop smiling the rest of the way there. The rest of the songs that played were a mix of what I listened to with him before, and songs that say things that he can't word as well as the song does.

"The last one's important to me, not many people listen to Front Porch Step, and I'm not sure if you do.. but this song says everything I need to say." He said, his voice soft.

I looked over to him, nervously biting his lip like usual. I waited for the song to start.

"I see the fear in your eyes. I feel the pain in your heart.

How can something so well put together be so torn apart?

You are the beauty I want. You are the angel I need.

I find the proof of god in every single word that you speak.

You smell like girly shampoo. I love when I smell like you.

Reminds me why I wake up."

I watched Luke contently mumbling the song along, he knew every word. The lyrics to this song made my heart flutter when they left his lips.

"And if I tremble at the sight of you, it's not because I'm cold.

It's because I'm staring at the girl I want to love me when I'm old.

I swear with all my heart; every word I write for you is true,

And I won't hesitate to give my all for you."

He glanced at me quickly when he whispered "I'm staring at the girl I want to love me when I'm old". I wanted to hug him, and kiss him, and thank him for this, and thank him for being him; but I didn't want to interrupt this song.

He'd taken me to a beach not too far from our town; you were allowed to drive your car onto the sand, and that's probably why he chose this beach. Slowly, he drove the car into the sand. The beach was deserted for once and it made the whole trip seem extra special. Luke parked the car so that the trunk was facing the sea.

"C'mon," he said, unlocking and stepping out of the car.

I took off my shoes because I didn't want sand in them, and stepped onto the warm sand. I walked over to Luke who'd popped open the trunk and was laying down blankets in the back of the van. After he was content with everything, he took a few steps towards me and held my waist as he guided me to the car. I climbed in, him following. He backed up all the way into the back of the seat and motioned for me to sit next to him.

"You're perfect." I stated, sitting close to him and letting my head fall onto his shoulders.

He intertwined his hand with mine. "I'm glad someone thinks so."

We cuddled there in silence, the only audible sounds were our breathing and the waves crashing. At some point Luke turned to me and connected his lips with mine, softly biting my bottom lip. My hand found its way to Luke's bed hair, teasing and tugging at it's rough texture.

Out of nowhere, Luke pulled away slightly. Our foreheads were leaning on each other's and I could hear his steady breathing. I was looking down at our hands when he quietly said my name.


He swallowed hard and I could tell he was nervous by the way he was fiddling with my fingers.

"I know I say that I love you, and I do. But I've been thinking.."

My head started to spin. Was he ending us?

"Are you b-breaking up with me?" I stammered.

His eyes got wide. "No, no of course not, babe." Our lips pressed together for a moment.

"I think that I'm in love with you. Completely, head over heels, in love. With you."

I let out a sigh of relief when I heard him say that, and I reached up and placed my hand softly on his cheek.

"I'm in love with you, too. 'Completely, head over heels'." I said with a smile.

He kissed me again after that, one hand pressed firmly on my waist, the other on my cheek.

This was romantic; probably one of the best nights with Luke I've ever had. We talked, listened to the waves, kissed, and listened to music for a good amount of time. It got dark after a few hours, though, and we both decided it was time to pack up and head home. As we were putting everything back in the trunk, a thought occurred to me. A thought that I hadn't wanted to think about.

"Luke," I started, biting my lip as we both got into the car.

He shut his door, put the key in the ignition, and started the car. "Yeah, babe?"

"I need to talk to you.. about something that happened a little bit ago. Between me.. and Michael."


i hope u listened to the song bc..,

anyway i hope u enjoyed (-: those of u who are still actually reading haha.

gdbye i need to go to school i can't wait for next chapter love u!!!

- riss

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