four ≫ "friends".

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After Luke and I's first skype call, we've been getting closer and closer. Close as in, we say 'ily' to each other in a friend way. I think. It's only been a week since our first call, but it feels like it's been a year. That's how much we've gotten to know each other. We never run out of things to talk about, it seems. It's weird because I always have trouble finding words when I'm talking to other people, but with Luke, it's different. It's easy. Since then, we've been texting, calling, and skyping each other day in and day out. Or at least, when Luke is allowed to. Whenever Luke is allowed on his phone or a computer, he always asks me to talk. I find that sweet and everything, but it makes me feel bad when I'm not there to answer his calls. I don't want to be his only source of happiness. Which is why I'm thinking of visiting him. Soon.

Right now, I'm waiting for Luke to reply to my last text while scrolling through Instagram. My text was,

ME; [ omg, you have like the best music taste asjdaksjdks ]

It's almost midnight and we're up talking about music. I really like his music taste, it's really similar to mine. Which is pretty rare considering every person at my school likes other kinds of music than me. When he told me he liked the same genres that I do, I actually smiled at my phone. And then my brain started to wander, and I started to think about my first visit with him.

When I finally do visit Luke, I'm going to make sure to I download loads of music onto my phone. I'm also going to wear my Green Day shirt because, it might make him smile. I think listening to music with Luke will be fun, since he's not that much of a talker in real life, and neither am I. We could just sit.. and listen. Together.

All of this talking about seeing Luke makes me want to do it even more than before. Now that I think about it, I'm not doing anything tomorrow, since its Saturday today.

I got a notification that Luke texted me back and tapped on it, hoping that he doesn't say he has to go. I hate when that happens.

LUKE; [ you too! we should really listen to some music together some time (-: btw i was just wondering when we were gonna hang out? i really wanna see you (-: ]

It's like we're on the same wavelength. We think so alike sometimes, it's scary. Anyway, like I said, I wasn't doing anything tomorrow.. I'll just have to get around my parents questions. I can't just tell them I'm going to see a sick kid in a mental hospital. I'll just tell them I'm going to friends house.. or shopping out with friends. We'll see.

ME; [ ehhm.. i'm free tomorrow? :D ]

I pressed send and went back to Instagram. I couldn't concentrate on the pictures though, all I was thinking about was his response to my question. If he says yes to tomorrow, I'm going to be so nervous. I finally thought back to my plan and calmed down.

The thought of having to talk to someone I haven't met makes me anxious, and by met, I mean in real life. I'm excited, yet I feel like a whole cage of butterflies was released in my stomach. I think that I'm starting to like Luke a lot more than I'd thought.

The top of my phone showed that Luke had texted back.

LUKE; [ great!! come over please? c: ]

My eyes widened and my hand cupped itself over my mouth, hiding my smile that was forming. Not only was I going to come over, he wanted me to come over. I started to laugh silently to myself and type back.

ME; [ of course c: what time?(: ]

I usually wake up around noon so he better not say before then. The best time would be around maybe.. one or two o' clock? I have to get ready and everything. Also, I have to download a bunch of music on my phone, and I have to figure out what exactly to wear and.. just a lot of stuff. I wonder of this counts as a date?

LUKE; [ actually, they have visiting hours between 7-8 at night.. /: can you come? i just really wanna see you, jasmin. (-: ]

That's a perfect time! My smile was back and my mind started to race. I started to think about what was going to happen tomorrow. Will the hospital even let me in? I'll have to call them I think. I hope they do. I don't want to have to skype Luke anymore. I wanna see him.

My eyelids started to become heavy and I couldn't keep them open for more than a few seconds. I yawned a bit too loud and noticed that my bed was more comfortable in the last few minutes. Time to go to sleep.. not that I wanted to. I could text Luke all night..

ME; [ i wanna see you too, luke. c: but i'm gonna go to bed because i'm tired. see you tomorrow, can't wait (: ]

I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open to see what Luke says back. I already know what he's probably going to say, every time I say I have to go, he seems sad again. And it makes me feel so bad. It makes me feel like, I'm leaving a little puppy at home by itself, alone. It hurts to see him sad, and when he's happy, I'm happy.

LUKE; [ okay, ily jasmin.. goodnight babe, have sweet dreams c: ]

I think my heart just stopped beating. Babe? Did I read it wrong? I checked the text again.

I didn't read it wrong.

Luke Hemmings called me babe. And he sounded happy when he said it. I mean, it was totally as a friend and nothing more. I think.


i love their texts so much i

hey guys don't forget to vote and comment and stuff bc it makes me happy aha (-:

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