thirty-nine ≫ seriously, better.

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Luke pulled up into my driveway after a fairly short car ride from his Uncle's house. There weren't any cars near my house, except my Dad's. He couldn't be home yet though; he probably just carpooled with one of his work friends or something, he's done it plenty times before.

It was weird to have Luke back in my driveway, because last time we were in a car, on my driveway, I lost him for an entire week. Being in the same place weirded me out, so I got out of the car quickly. Some part of me believes he thought the exact same thing because he got out of the car just as fast.

I tightly held his hand as we walked into my house, but he let go and wrapped his arm around my waist as soon as we crossed the threshold. I was going to have Luke stay for a little bit, half an hour at most, until I heard someone in the kitchen.

"Jasmin? That you?"

It was my Dad's voice. He didn't know anything about Luke yet, and I expected Luke to book it right out of the front door, but he stood next to me, completely unphased. He held his ground as my Dad rounded the corner to greet me- he even held his ground as my Dad began to yell at me.

"Who... Who the hell are you? Get your hands off of my daughter!" My Dad said, staying put where he was standing.

I don't know why I expected Luke to leave. All of the time that I've been with him, I've never pictured him as the protective type. Not because of lack of caring, or lack of love; just because he didn't seem the type to be confrontational. But, as soon as my Dad started interrogeting Luke, my perspective of Luke slightly changed.

He, my Dad, kept throwing random questions at Luke before Luke could even find the words to answer. 'What's your name? What are you doing? Why are you here?' Luke kept trying to get out a sentence, but my Dad just cut him off with another. I could've sworn I felt Luke getting mad, because the hand that was on the small of my waist wasn't gentle anymore. With every question my Dad asked, the tension grew. This went on for a while. After a while, Luke stopped attempting to please him.

"Who do you think you ar-"

"Sir," Luke said. His voice boomed through the house. When I looked up at him, he looked annoyed. "just let me explain."

I couldn't help the small smirk that found itself on my face. I don't know what it was about Luke standing up to my Dad, but it made me want to laugh. My Dad stood still; I don't know whether it was out of shock, or if he was waiting for Luke to speak.

"I know you don't know me.. but your daughter does. She loves me. And I.."

I felt Luke gaze down at me. I met his glance, and then looked at my Dad. He looked as if he was softening up to Luke already.

"I love her. I'm her boyfriend and there's nothing you can do about it." Luke paused. "No disrespect.. sir."

A large sigh left my Dad as he carelessly shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"I do love him, Dad. I uh, I'm in love with him. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I spoke confidently.

I've never actually seen my Dad this pleased to be talking to me about a boy. He's always been the one so against the whole idea of a boyfriend. His eyes were soft now, though, and I could tell he didn't hate the idea.

"You take care of her?" Was all my Dad said in Luke's direction.

"Of course." Luke agreed, a light chuckle escaping his lips.

All my Dad did was nod. "Can I have a private talk with Jasmin? You can go right upstairs, Luke." He said.

Luke followed his orders; he let go of my waist and told me he'll be waiting in my room. Quietly, though, because my Dad still didn't know Luke's been in my room before.

"What's up, Dad." I said, stepping closer to him as I was still near the doorway.

"He seems like a good kid. Tall hair," he chuckled, "but a good kid. He does take care of you, right?"

"More than you think.." I grinned. "Remember that 'kid' that I'd go see at the mental hospital? Way back- months ago." I asked.

It took a small while, but my Dad nodded.

"That's him. I.. I helped him, help himself get better. I love him. There's no need to worry."

He smiled. "You'd better get upstairs."


"Put on some music, and then come sit next to me, Love." Luke said from my bed.

I was sitting in my desk chair, scrolling through my music. I wasn't scrolling for long, but something caught my eye that I hadn't seen in a while.

"C'mere, babe." I said, my eyes never leaving my screen. I pulled up the music video I made a while back, that everyone seemed to forget about. As soon as Luke saw what my screen showed, he gasped.

"We never uploaded that, did we?" He chuckled.

"I don't think so, actually."

"...when I talk to the guys, I'll tell them. Until then.. pick a song, I gotta talk to you."

He went to go sit back down on my bed, since there wasn't really anywhere else to sit in my room. I just pressed shuffle on my iTunes library and left my seat to join Luke. He didn't lounge out on my bed, nor did he lay down fully. He sat at the edge of my bed with his hands pressed down on the edges as well, just like he used to do at Canyon Ridge. I followed suit.

"So.. this is gonna sound stupid, but I'm serious about getting better. Like, totally serious."

I opened my mouth to say something, but he kept speaking. I didn't find it rude; it just must be important.

"I know, you thought I was serious before. I did too.. but I don't think I was. I didn't care about myself enough to be serious. I didn't.. I didn't give a shit about myself before."


"No, but, now that I have you.. I want to be able to enjoy life with you, y'know? Go on dates, have you formally meet my family. All of the things normal couples do, I wanna do with you. I need to."

I was smiling so hard at this point, trying not to hug him or interrupt him in any way. He looked deep in thought; he was looking down at my floor, as if he was seeing beyond it.

"And the music video, speaking of that, I need to get serious about music. That's all I want to do when I'm older, and I feel like I can do it. I can't, though.. if I can't get my shit together.

"There are just so many things pulling me towards the conclusion that I need to get better. Seriously, get better."

I let out a content sigh and went to hug him, his arms wrapping around me immediately after. I didn't quite catch what he said under his breath, but it sounded like a soft thank you.

"Don't thank me. I'm so proud of you."


yeeEe hello thanks 4 readin pals make sure 2 vote and comment ! (-:

this book, sadly,,,, is coming to an end soon ): idk if anyone cares but! that's happening SO incase u want something else to read, please check out my Michael fic 'Windows', i actually love that fic so far and so will you (-:

that's all i got for today! love ya!

- riss 🚀

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