nine ≫ mental hospital.

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Luke's POV.

It's quiet. You know how when you're in a small room by yourself, you get the small eerie ringing in your ears? I hate that. It's quiet.

Sometimes when it's too quiet, my mind wanders. I'm convinced that that's most of the reason I'm in here, in this room, in this ward, in this hospital. Too much time in silence, too much time alone.

For three hours at a time I'm left alone here. With occasional 'breaks', but how can anyone call them breaks when I'm basically doing the same thing? Staring at nothing but white walls, and listening to the distant screaming of the mentally insane ward. They really need to make those walls thicker; the screaming never seems to end.

Because maybe it's inside my own head? Am I going insane?

No. No, no, no. I'm fine.

It's quiet. The clock says 3:30.

I've literally been staring at the wall for an hour. I reach into my pants pocket and take out my phone. Jasmin should be out of school now, it's Friday. I tap messages, then Jasmin, and then think of something to say. I haven't seen her in person for ever a week and a half, I think. Her mom's really keeping a tight leash on her. I've only really texted her. I miss her.

ME; [ hey jas (-: ]

I lock my phone and slide it back into my pocket and sigh. I miss her so much.

She's so... Ugh, I was never good with words. I don't know a word to describe her without feeling bad because words will never be enough. The way she makes me feel.. it's great. Hell, it's more than great. I crave it, her love is like the hardest most addicting drug to me. I need her to feel sane and when she's not here, well, you see what I start thinking. I need her.

The worst part is that she's not even my girlfriend yet. I've yet to ask her, formally anyway. I don't want to seem like a pussy, I'm just waiting for the right moment I guess. Michael told me not to stress, "it's not like it's a marriage proposal".

Next time I see her, I'll do it. I need to make her mine before someone else does.

A light knocking on my door interrupts my thoughts, like always.

"Come in!" I half-shout.

Susan, my nurse, walks in with Jasmin behind her.

My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my throat, I'm so excited. What was she doing here? I stood up and fixed my hair smiling at her.

"Jasmin's here, you both have an hour," Susan looks directly at me, "you know the rules, Hemmings."

I blush and remember two weekends ago, when Susan caught Jasmin kind of just sitting on me. It probably looked really sexual to her, but to me, it wasn't really sexual at all. Yeah, we were kissing and stuff, but my intention wasn't to have sex with her or anything. I just wanted to hold her.

Susan walks out of the room, leaving Jasmin and I alone. As if we were magnetically charged, we embrace each other with no time to waste. She grasps my shirt and hugs me tightly, burying her head into my chest. I missed this, I missed her. The way she felt, the way she smells, and the way she grabs at my shirt when we hug. I missed it all and now, I finally have it again.

"I missed you so much." She whispers.

"Me too." I smile.

I was holding the small of her back with one hand and the other was on the back of her head. I kiss her head and smile.

"How are you even here?" I ask.

She leans up from my chest and smiles at me with a large grin, the one that makes my stomach flutter with more butterflies than before.

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