thirty-two ≫ home.

Start from the beginning

"What's up with the hair?" I chuckled.

The crinkles by his eyes creased as a smile etched it's way onto his face, and I noticed I haven't seen Michael smile in a very long time. Sure, I was a little mad at him- but in the end he's one of my only friends.

"You like it? I wanted something different, y'know? 'Something New'." He laughed, making fun of his own EP.

"It's Somewhere New, you goof. I do like it, it's pretty."

I smiled a teasing smile as I saw his face morph into sarcastic hurt.

"I am a man, I'm not pretty!" He laughed.

I laughed along with him, but then remembered why we were actually out here. I didn't want to talk about telling Luke the truth anymore, I already knew what I was going to say to him.

"How did you get out of class?" I tried to stay away from the actual topic.

"Oh, I never went today. Didn't feel like it."

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Michael Clifford, what would your mother have to say about this?"

He just laughed, obviously wanting to get to the point.

"So.. about Luke.." He mumbled.

I sighed. "I already know what I'm gonna say, you don't have to worry."

I took a look up at him and saw that he was looking at me with a pained expression. Not physical pain, more like I hurt him emotionally somehow.

"Do you hate me?" He asked.

I did the worst thing I ever could do in this situation.. probably. I paused.

"Michael, I.."

"You do hate me, oh god, what have I done, I'm such a terrible friend. How could I kiss my best friend's girlfriend, I'm such an ass! Luke's going to kill me-"

"Michael!" I said, stopping and putting a hand on his shoulder, which looked pretty awkward considering mine and his height.

He looked at me and seemed to calm down again, and I felt him say sorry with his eyes.

"It's okay." I said, though he didn't really say anything.

He pulled me in for a hug and said 'sorry' a few times, and I let him. I could tell he wasn't going to do what he did on that night ever again.

"I don't hate you." I finally said, the side of my face pushed against his chest.

He breathed in and breathed out heavily. "Good. You were my only friend besides Luke, Ashton, and Calum. Josie already hates me. And since Luke is going to hate me, and Ashton is pretty mad at me.. I couldn't have you hate me too."

I smiled and pulled away from the hug.

"I'm going to do everything I can to get Luke not to hate you. I'm sure Ashton will stop being mad once he realizes I'm not mad. It'll be okay, Michael." I said.

"Thank you, Jasmin." He said.

We walked in silence after that, because all that could have been said, was said. I was happy; things between Michael and I were fixed. All I have to worry about is Luke.

We stopped abruptly; I didn't notice we were at the road where we split.

"I'll see you later?" He said, or more like asked.

"See you later." I repeated.

It was actually only a couple minutes before I got to my house. There was an unfamiliar car in the driveway, which made me tense up a little. I didn't like my parents friends, and I didn't want to see any relatives.

I used my key to unlock the door and walked in to see Liz, Luke's mom. She was sitting comfortably next to my mom on the couch with a coffee mug in her hand and a huge smile on her face.

"Hello, Jasmin." She greeted me.

I awkwardly raised a quiet hand. "Hi."

It's not that I didn't like Luke's mom, I mean she's my boyfriend's mom. But that night.. the night where Luke jumped, she was so oblivious to the entire scene. It made me slightly resent her for it.

"Jasmin, go upstairs." My mom smiled.

Both moms were smiling. What did they do, get me an iPad or something? They were both smiling so creepily, or maybe it wasn't creepy, but two mom's smiling at you for more than a few seconds? That's creepy to me.

"Uhh.. Yeah, okay." I agreed, turning around.

I made my way up my staircase and took off my backpack in the process. I walked into my room and headed straight for my desk.

I was facing my desk, getting a few papers out of my bag, before I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist and pull me in.

I looked up to him, his perfect chin, nose, eyes, hair, lips. I half-expected him to be here, that's why I didn't freak out.

"Hey, Jas." He smiled.

I turned around and hugged him, the side of my face pressed firmly against his chest.

"I missed you. So. Much." I said, emotion pouring from my voice.

I guess I was crying, because I left little tear marks on the shirt he was wearing.

"I missed you, too. More than I thought was even possible." He chuckled.

I pushed him backwards and made him sit on the bed; he scooted to the middle of the bed, sitting with his legs flat. I followed, except that I sat with my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. I hugged him like that- his arms were wrapped firmly around my back. I dug my face in the crook of his neck and sat there- it could have been ten minutes, it could have been half an hour. But all I knew and all I could hear was Luke's steady breathing against me, and his fingertips trailing up and down my back.


hello!!! i am very close to 70k i am very excite woo ((: i'm glad u guys are enjoying this, hopefully aha

if u want, share this around with your friends and stuff bc i'm 30k away from 100k which is completely mental but i know we can do it!!

an d also i'm sorry that i'm not the best of writer but i try my best n just hope you guys like it ((: i love u guys sm

- riss

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