Adrien Agreste is Blind

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A/N: Oh. My. Gosh. It is FINALLY finished. I've been working on this for six months, and it is DONE. 

I haven't edited most of it yet, but at the moment, there are 14 chapters and 20,817 words in the fic in its entirety. I'll be uploading chapters every Saturday and Wednesday, which will have it end in mid-July. 

Also: my intent is for this to be a trilogy, but I can't make any promises. Sorry about that.

That being said, I've worked really hard on this over the past few months. I hope you like it!

Life had never been better for Marinette.

She was thirty years old and one of the best designers at a big fashion label in New York City. She was living her dream, and she couldn't be happier.

Well, that last part wasn't exactly true. She did miss being Ladybug, and she missed seeing her family in person, but it was okay. She could talk to her family on the internet and the phone, and even if she still lived in Paris, the city no longer had any use for Ladybug and Chat Noir now that Gabriel Agreste was in prison and Hawkmoth was no longer a threat.

She also missed Chat Noir a lot, but there was nothing she could do about that. She still had her miraculous, but she hadn't transformed in years, as there was no need after she left Paris. She hadn't spoken to Chat since the day she told him she was leaving. He was heartbroken, and the mere look on his face had almost convinced her to stay.


She thought about him every day, and she couldn't help but wonder how you can miss someone so much when you don't even know their real name.

Marinette also kept an eye out for him in the Parisian news and on the internet, but he hadn't made a real, confirmed appearance since a couple of months after she left. The only mentions she had seen of Chat Noir since then were pictures of blurry silhouettes along the Parisian skyline and people discussing theories as to his whereabouts. She had seen the same type of "reports" about herself. It was as if she and Chat Noir were cryptids.

But other than that, her life was great. She loved her job, she loved her city, and she loved her fiancé, Liam.

Her life was amazing, and nothing could screw it up.

Nothing except for Adrien Agreste.


Marinette was sitting in her office mulling over some designs when she heard someone knock on her door.

"Come in," she called, looking up from her sketchbook.

When the door opened, she saw her boss in the doorway.

"Miss Givens," Marinette said, standing from her chair. "How may I help you?"

"I know it's last-minute, but I need you to come to an important meeting with me," Givens responded.

"Okay," Marinette nodded. "When is it?"

Givens gave her an apologetic look. "Right now."


"Yes, now. Let's go."

Marinette quickly closed her sketchbook and exited the room with her boss.

"So, what is this meeting about?" Marinette asked the elder woman as the two of them walked briskly down the hallway.

"It's with one of our biggest competitors," Givens responded. "There's only one spot left in the annual Tournoi de Papillon show, and there's another brand trying to nab it. We're meeting with two representatives from that brand to try to work something out."

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