Oh Crap.

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<Dani's P.O.V.>

Me and Malfoy walked out of Charms. We met up with Crabbe, Goyle, and Zayn. We grabbed our lunches and headed outside. I saw the Maci girl that I remembered from the ceremony. I was going to walk over to her and introduce myself when I saw her snogging someone. I looked closer and saw Lou and all the guys over there. (other than Zayn of course, he was with us) Then, I looked even closer, the boy she was snogging was Liam. "You fucking cunt!" I yelled, running over to them two. They pulled apart, Mae stood up, fixed her clothes. That little slut. I lifted my wand, as so did she. "Cru-" i started to yell. Zayn knocked my to the ground so I couldn't finish the spell. I stood back up though, pushing him off. "Crucio!" I yelled, pointing at Mae. She fell to the ground and her body started to twist. I still held the curse on her. We started to draw a crowd. Liam was crying and begging me to stop. I wouldn't though, I would just keep torturing her, pay back is a bitch honey, isn't it?

<Niall's P.O.V.>

I was enjoying my talk with Luna, she's so cute and kind of crazy, like me. I think she was enjoying the talk to. Then we started to hear screams. I looked over and saw Maci's body turning and twisting then noticed that Dani was the one doing it. What did I miss? I saw Li crying and begging Dani to stop, but it didn't look like she would. Then I remembered a spell Luna was telling me about "Expelliarmus!" I shouted, pointing at Dani. Her wand flew a few feet away and she started to swear. Everyone stood by Maci, making sure she was okay. Li picked her up in his arms and ran to the Nurse. We all followed, not far behind.

<Zayn's P.O.V.>

I just stood there, not knowing what to do. Niall yelled something and Dani's wand flew a few feet away. They all ran to go to the nurse to make sure the girl was okay. I looked at Dani "What the hell was that?" I shouted. "He cheated on me Zayn!" "You used one of the three unforgivable curses! You're going to get expelled!" I yelled. I then ran to the nurse to make sure everything was fine.

<Liam's P.O.V.>

I can't believe what just happened, I mean it was wrong for me to do it, but Crucio? Why? I had to watch the girl I like, scratch that, love, get tortured by my girlfriend. And I couldn't do one thing about it, I mean, I haven't been to D.A.D.A. yet, it's only my first day! Niall zapped Dani's wand out of her hand and I took this chance to get Maci away. I lifted her up bridal style and everyone followed behind. I brought her to the nurse and set her down on the bed. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, came over to see what happened. Mae wasn't moving and I started to cry. So did everyone else, me and Luna the most. Lou was bawling though, his new best friend that got along with him so well, could be dead. It was all my fault. I was planning on breaking up with Dani at the game, but my......emotions...got the best of me.

Maci's Crazy Year at Hogwarts (one direction fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ