A New Beginning

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“So what are we going to do?” you asked Charles from inside the mansion. The two of you were staring out the window, taking in the view. He was sitting in his wheel chair and you were sitting on a chair next to him. The mansion was quiet because there weren't five mutants training to stop WW III.

“I’m thinking, make a school.” Charles mused from his chair. You were impressed at his ability to adapt, it was almost like the life-changing accident never happened. Except for, it did, and every time you looked at him you were thrown back to the day on the beach when your life completely changed.

“A school?” you echoed and turned away from the window to face him. You had to focus on the present, not the past. 

“Yes. One specifically for mutants, so that they can learn about their powers, and enhance their skills.” He elaborated.

“You’re just one man, Charles." You shook your head, "how are you going to take on a whole school?”

“Well, I have friends, don’t I?” he asked and turned to you with a twinkle in his eye, "and a rather large mansion."

“I think some of Erik’s insanity has rubbed off onto you.” You told him seriously.

“How does, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters sound?” he was back to pondering while he looked out the window.

“Alright, alright. So that’s you, me, Hank, who else?”

Charles smiled and you couldn’t help but return it. Looks like you’re helping him create a school.

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