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You were wandering around the CIA base as Erik, Charles, and Moira went out to track down Shaw. It fascinated you, all the high tech gear, the technology, even the people. '(y/n)? (Y/n)!' you heard Charles in your head.

'You're not supposed to be in here.' You responded as you slid to the wall to stay out of everyone's way.

'Erik, you need to calm him down.' Charles replied panickedly.

'My goodness Charles. You've realised by this point that he doesn't want the same things as you right?' you rolled your eyes in annoyance, 'not everyone has a good and pure heart at their core.'

'Yes, I know, just stop him!' Charles shouted and the connection broke off.

You sighed and sent your mind out to Erik who was out in Russia. It was easy to find his angry self amongst all of the people in the area, plus, the connection had already established a connection with him made it much easier. Yet, even with all the variables that were on your side, sending your mind across the world was not an easy task. You let yourself slide to the ground and you clenched your hands around the loose fabric of your shirt. You sent out a calm emotion into Erik while you took in his anger. Your grip tightened on your shirt as you struggled to maintain the constant stream of emotion from across the world. You had never attempted something like this before, and it was taking a huge toll on you. 'At this rate, I'm going to pass out.' You faintly thought to yourself. You could feel Charles trying to get into your mind, but you knew you wouldn't be able to handle both at once. However, holding up the wall proved to be too much work and your mental barrier collapsed which let Charles in. 'Charles!' you shouted through heavy breathing, 'I'm not strong enough! Get out!'.

'She's the other telepath. Shaw has a telepath on his side.' He projected her image into your own mental cinema.

'You couldn't have waited?' you demanded, 'I've lost Erik.' Your connection immediately broke off and you held in a groan. You wanted to smack your face on the wall to compensate for your foster brother's dumbness. 'Charles you idiot!'. You weren't denying that he was super smart, you just wished sometimes he had a bit more common sense.

You sent your mind out in an attempt to re-catch Erik's emotions and calm him down. 'Breaking into a Soviet official's home, are you insane Erik?' you wondered. 'Yeah, you probably are.' You looked around and noticed that Erik was no longer filled with blazing fury, in fact, he seemed, pleased? You quickly checked up on Charles and you saw the tell-tale signs that he was using his telepathy. On who though? It wasn't Erik, so it was one of the other two people in the room. You bit your lip, there was nothing you could do in this situation, and just sending your mind out there was extremely taxing, but if you needed to step in again, retreating and sending your mind back out would be even more energy used.

"(y/n)?" you were jolted out of your reverie and you looked up to focus on Alex standing above you looking concerned, "are you alright?"

"Yeah," you smiled, "don't worry about it." Alex gave you a dubious glance, "sending your mind across the world is a little tiring." You laughed.

Alex put a hand out for you to grab, which you did, and he helped pull you up to your feet, "what were you doing on the other side of the world?"

"Oh, y'know, trying to make sure Erik doesn't start world war three." You replied nonchalantly, "it's no big deal."

"Erik?" Alex looked at you with wide eyes, "world war three?"

"Whoops, I've said too much." You turned yourself invisible and snuck out of the hallway.

"(Y/n)!" Alex shouted. As soon as you were around the corner you stopped being invisible and hobbled as quickly as you could to your room. You were going to need to sleep, preferably for a few days. 

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