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It wasn’t very long until you noticed the plane circling over the two lines of battleships on either side of the embargo line.

“It looks pretty messy out there.”

“We are literally moments away from a whole out nuclear war.” You mentioned and then the brunt of the situation finally landed upon yourself, “oh my gosh. We are literally moments away from a nuclear war.” You put your face in your hands and looked wide-eyed at the ground.

“Don’t think about it, it’ll make things all the more terrifying.” Erik remarked.

Charles was off in his own little world as he read the minds of  the Russian soldiers below, “the crew of the Aral Sea are all dead.” He informed the rest of you, “Shaw’s been there!”

“He’s still here!” Erik yelled and looked through the window, “somewhere.”

“He’s set the ship on course for the embargo line.” Charles elaborated and pointed to the ship that was continuing to move forward, even though the rest of the Russian fleet had stopped.

“If that ship crosses the line, our boys are gonna blow it up.” Moira explained, “and the war begins.”

“Unless they’re not our boys.” Charles declared defiantly. He focused and you could tell he was controlling the actions of one of the russians. It was confirmed moments later as one of the russian ships launched a missile into the air.

“Hold on!” Beast yelled and the plane did spins in the air to avoid the missile rising into the air and then falling down to explode the Aral Sea. “A little warning next time, Professor.” You nodded and you noticed the other passengers nod along with you.

“Sorry about that. You alright?” Charles asked in concern.

“Yeah.” Hank confirmed.

“That was inspired Charles.” Moira applauded once it was clear that the Russians weren’t approaching the embargo line anymore.

“Thank you very much.” Charles acknowledged, “but I still can’t locate Shaw. (Y/n)?” he turned to you.

“No can do.” You shook your head, “he has a helmet on, and if you’re encountering it, I can’t get past it either. It works against telepaths and empaths.”

“He’s down there.” Erik insisted, “we need to find him, now!”

Charles looked towards the cockpit, “Hank?”

“Is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners?” Hank asked Moira.

She shook her head, “no. Nothing.”

“Well, then he must be underwater.” Hank concluded, “and obviously we don’t have sonar.”

The plane fell into silence until an eager voice shouted,“yes, we do!” Sean’s face brightened and you noticed the determination coursing through him.

Charles looked at Sean and nodded as well, “yes, we do!”

The two of them got up from their seats and Charles shouted to Hank, “Hank! Level the bloody plane!”

You noticed Erik’s anger getting the better of him which was causing the plane to crumple. You sent your mind out to him and tried to smother his anger with calming emotions. Moments later, the plane righted itself.

“Beast, open the bomb bay doors!” Sean yelled and the doors opened.

“Remember!” Charles shouted over the wind, “this is a muscle. You control it!” Sean nodded and jumped out of the plane. He dove into the water and you could only guess as to what he was doing. You sent out your mind to keep tabs on him, and when he was filled with joy, you knew he found Shaw’s sub. “He found them!” you called out.

X-men: First Class Reader InsertOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant