Meet the United

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Gravity Falls

Mabel's P.O.V

I woke up with a big smile on my face, feeling like sunshine and gumdrops, like I do every morning. I looked over to see Dipper still asleep, his eyes purple and baggy. After the events of last night, he definitely needs his sleep. I'll let him rest for now. I need to get up and get ready for a fantastic and adventurous day. I wonder what might happen today.

I got up from my bed and started to get ready. I put on my favorite dark pink Shooting Star sweater and my purple skirt. Great choice! Once I was dressed, I walked back over to Dipper and knelt down beside him.

"I'll make you some breakfast. It will be ready when you wake up," I told my still sleeping brother, and then kissed him on the forehead on his birthmark.

With that, I went downstairs, being careful not to wake anyone else up, and headed straight towards the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. I went to the fridge where all the delicious breakfast foods were kept, but to my disappointment, it was empty.

"Darn!" I said, closing the fridge. Luckily, there was a shopping list magnetically attached to the fridge door. I suppose I could go out and get some groceries to make breakfast.

I opened the front door, struggling to put on my shoes and brush my hair at the same time, hopping on one leg.

"Come on, Waddles!" I called out, and my adorable pet pig came running out to my side as I closed the door. Just a little trip to the grocery store and back, and then I'll make breakfast for myself, my family, and even Waddles.


Later, after I had bought all the things on the shopping list, I walked out of the store with two full grocery bags in both arms and a smile on my face. Waddles was kind enough to hold the third bag in his mouth. Golly, what would I do without my sweet Waddles?

There was nothing to worry about today since Gideon was in jail, and we haven't seen Bill in a good long while. I thought, since it was such a nice sunshiny day, I could take a slight detour through town on my way back home. Waddles could use the exercise. I smiled and skipped through the streets, swinging my hair left and right as Waddles ran to catch up with me. I made sure to keep a decent pace.

I noticed a large group of people gathered around in the center of town. "Ooh, what's happening?" I asked curiously. I thought I could check it out, so I went over to the group of people as Waddles followed me, getting under people's legs as I pushed my way through.

I looked up to see Lazy Susan nearby. Maybe she knew what was happening, though judging by her worried look, it wasn't going to be good.

"What's going on?" I asked Susan.

"Oh, Darling, it's terrible! That little liar Gideon has escaped from prison with his goons!" Susan answered.

I almost dropped the groceries when I heard that Gideon had escaped from prison, and I'm out here without Dipper and Grunkle Stan to protect me from him.

"Citizens of Gravity Falls!" Gideon's voice sounded mechanical as it came through the speakers around the town. Well, at least he wasn't here in person, so I could rest easy for now, until I had to run for my dear life and freedom to be safe at the Shack with my family.

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