Let's go!

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You and Brian's friendship started to blossom ever since that day. It's been two months since then, your meet ups started at once a week to every other day to every day. You even brought some of your games so your guys can battle each other. Once you told your mom you made a new friend, she was ecstatic. You asked her if Brian came come over to hang out after school, she was a bit skeptical because she doesn't know him well, she stated in order for him to come over she needs to meet him first.

You were worried what would happen if she flips out that Brian is an actual zombie and turn on her mother mode up to 100% and forbid you from seeing him. You asked your mother to trust you because you know your were doing besides you don't deal with those ratchet ass chicks who were the real monsters with all their drama anyways.

After school you took your mother to the park where you usually meet him.
Strike #1: now she knows that Brain doesn't go to your school. Is he a grown man? A pedophile? A creep or some kind of killer?
You didn't tell Brian you were bringing your mother along as well which brings up a few points so your mother would actually know what he's like. But, however he'll emerge from the forest that leads to his civilization. Strike #2: He came from the forest. Is that where he lead his victims? Does ge have a cabin in the woods where he rapes and kills his victims like Scabs Rentacar?
You were beginning to become internally paranoid, on the outside you were calm but you were screaming inside hoping that your mom doesn't get the wrong idea. Brian is a great guy and he does go to school so that maybe a bonus.

A rustle behind the bushes and crunches on dead leaves and twigs was heard in front of you and your mom. She steps ahead of you in a protective stance as she sees a figure emerging from the woods. As the figure steps out he was not alone, another monster, a girl monster, was with him as well. She looks to be like Frankenstein's daughter with her wide blue eyes and a happy smile, wearing studious clothing: a white button-up shirt with a bright blue sweater over it and black pants. Overall, it gives that's her personality is very friendly, probably bubbly as well.
YES! Another girl is in the picture! Hanging out with a sweet, bubbly girl always makes the parents calm knowing that their child is safe.

"Oh uh, ____, who's she?"

"Heeeyyy Brian, this is my mother~" you said with uneasiness.

"Your mother? You didn't tell me you were bringing your mother this time."

"I know, but in order for you to come over she needs to meet you first."

You mom steps up to the two monsters and introduces herself.

"I'm ____ mom, and you must be Brian I've heard so much about?" It was a statement, but she made it seem more like a question, she didn't expect this Brian guy to look like...that. She sticks out her hand as a formal greeting.

"It's nice to meet you Ms._____, yes I'm Brian and this is one of my friends Vicky." He gestures to the girl beside him. Vicky then shook her hand with such enthusiasm as her smile widen.

"It's super nice to meet you Ms._____. I just can't believe I get to meet two humans in one day" her eyes sparkles.

"Um... humans?"

"Yeah, I'm a zombie and Vicky is a Frankenstein." Brian clarified.


"Hahaha, I see. Those are some convincing costumes"

"No silly" Vicky volunteered and hold both of your mothers hands sending her in a static shock.

Your mom yelped as she jerk her hands away from her. She now notice the electricity swarming between the bolts on Vicky's neck and the throbbing muscles on Brian's face.
Strike #3: Now she knows they're monsters. Goodbye Brian it was nice knowing you.

Monster Prom x Reader (Discontinued) (there's only 4 chapters, sorry)Where stories live. Discover now