Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After the battle, it is like a heavy weight is lifted off of all of our shoulders. All of the humans who had attacked us were killed, none were able to slither away in order to regroup and attack us again. With that threat gone, it was decided that we would make the journey back to our own lands.

A few had been opposed, but we knew we couldn't just stay here forever. This place is nice, but it isn't home.

So, we have spent the last week packing up all of our stuff in order to make the journey back home. A few of the guards from this place are going to join us for the journey back. Even a few of the other shifters had decided to come, but most chose to stay.

Suffice to say, it has been stressful. Dad and Papa have been trying to coordinate everything, wanting the journey to go as smoothly as possible. And they have been having Rowan join them as much as possible. They had chosen him as their successor after the fight. Because of it, they have been training him, and mom has taken to training me to take over as Luna.

It's utterly exhausting.

"Here, love," Mom says handing me a cup water and sitting down on the blanket next to me. "How is little Aren doing?"

We both look down at the nursing baby. He is wide awake, little hands laying on my chest as he eats. Even when he isn't eating, I find it hard to put him down. He has already lost one parent. I don't want him to ever fear that he could lose another.

Elias is content to share, at least for now. We'll see how he gets when he is older.

"Pretty good." I murmur, brushing a finger over his dark, wispy hair. "He is still a tad underweight, but he is doing much better than before. Taylor just told me to let him nurse whenever he wants and for however long he wants."

"And Elias? How is he doing with all this."

Shrugging, I look in at where Elias is asleep on the blanket between us. He is curled up on his side, a light blanket over him to stave off the slight breeze. "He's been doing really well. Having Rowan around more is really helpful, too. The only problem we've had is that my milk supply is a little low. It's getting better, and Taylor has been helping me to build it up. But Elias gets cranky when he is trying to sleep and can't get anything from me."

"You should talk to Micah. He went through the same thing with Beckett and Noah. He'll probably be able to give you some advice and support."

Nodding, I look up at him, a small smile on my face. "I'll do that."

We are both silent for a moment, taking in the summer air. Neither of us moves until someone calls our name. Looking behind us, I see that Noah is making his way over to us, Rosalie trailing behind, with Aria in her arms. The little girl is giggling as Rosalie bounces her, bringing a smile to my face. She and Henry have been doing so much better since the mate bond got restored. They're healing.

"Come on, we're about to head out. The alphas are looking for you, Luna."

"I'm still not used to being called that," Mom murmurs, pushing himself up from the blanket. "I better get over there before they manage to derail everything." He leans down, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I'll see you in a little bit? Gwen is getting your siblings out there, so don't worry about them."

"Yes, Mom."

He smiles at my exasperated tone before walking away. Noah comes over, transferring a still sleeping Elias into the baby basket and laying the blanket over the top, protecting him from the sun.

Looking down at Aren, I see that he is still wide awake. Knowing that he will protest as soon as he is unlatched, I get the sling all situated before slipping my finger in between his mouth and my nipple, breaking the latch. Just as I predicted, he starts to whine. But I know that he is full, so I just pat his back. He buries his face into my chest, finding comfort in my scent and eventually calming down.

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