Time To Heal

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Ally woke up in a hospital like bed in what seemed to be a modern house's bedroom, pain seared through her shoulder and she realised the pain had been what had woken her. She looked about and saw a handmade IV bag filled with blood and one filled with clear liquid she figured to be water or saline. She couldn't even sit up and when she went to call out for someone to come, she found her voice was gone. She didn't know how long she waited for someone to come in but it seemed like eons had passed when she spotted a man entering the room. “Hello Ally - I'm Doctor Carson, you probably knew my brother who worked with your father. How is your breathing? You had a collapsed lung when they brought you in. You shoulder will need surgery but I didn't want to do it until we were sure you could breathe on your own comfortably” he said already seeming much kinder than his older brother who had wandering hands and a leering grin. “My chest hurts but I can breath easier now, thank you Doctor” she managed to squeak out, her voice a fraction of its normal volume. “We will wait a few days and then go in and fix that shoulder, we've got the supplies to do the surgery with little risk. For now I'm going to keep up the pain meds and make sure you're comfortable. You saved people Ally, you deserve a rest” the doctor said as he injected a syringe full of painkillers directly into her IV and she felt their effect in mere minutes, the pain was a hazy pressure and she felt her eyes grow heavier and heavier until she could no longer keep them open and she fell asleep as Doctor Carson left the room and shut the door quietly. He went downstairs where the others waited for news on Ally's condition, Maggie was still in bed with Glenn watching her like a hawk after the placental problem was found but she and the baby were given a bill of health and warned to take it easy. Carol was standing next to Daryl forcing to down yet another glass of juice and eat another sandwich, she hadn't liked how pale he had gotten after doing two blood transfusions for Ally and with her surgery in a few days they would need some blood spare just in case so Carol was making sure Daryl was back to normal when they took the blood. He had been the first in the room with Doctor Carson doing a direct blood transfusion, her face creased with pain even with the amount of painkillers in her system, without her stepping in Abraham would be dead and so would have whoever else Negan had taken a dislike to at the time. He saw that she had the same dark hair as her father but that seemed to be where the family resemblance ended since Ally had a conscience and Negan was pure maniac and also Ally's eyes were a delightful shade of warm brown like milky chocolate where as her father's were the dark brown of all wood. The days passed slowly for Ally as she drifted in and out of consciousness until Doctor Carson was ready to do the surgery that would correct her shoulder. The shoulder bones were broken in three places and needed to be set again, next the Doctor would have to rotate her shoulder back into place and close her back up. One of the metal workers had been skilled enough to make a metal shoulder brace that would keep her weakened limb steady while she went about her day, Ally was a fighter and was sure to be itching to get back on her feet as soon as possible. Daryl had been a good sport about giving the blood even when the assistant had to jab him five times to find a suitable vein to draw such a significant amount of blood and Ally would have to thank him when she came about after the surgery. Carol was making a feast with the other Hilltop women while Gregory scowled and ranted about wasting valuable resources on strangers to anyone who would listen but everyone was held in a state of nervousness as the Doctor went to work on Ally and it was near afternoon when he emerged again with blood staining his apron and shirt. “She'll live!” he announced to those who waited, a cheer rose up among the people at the news. Ally had become a sort of hero for them all that if she could survive Negan than perhaps they all could.

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