Chapter 8 And so it begins

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Chapter 8 And so it Begins

Getting back to the house was easy enough. None of the apes questioned Blue Eyes moving through the city nor the chimp that was with him. Once in the house, Blue Eyes immediately went to his father's side. Once he noticed the wound he thought the humans had done this and he growled at them. "No," Caesar said stopping his son. "Koba did this." He and his son talked for a while before the female human fixed him up.

I sat out on the porch in wolf form, keeping an eye on things. An ape or a tiger would draw attention. No one would think anything of a stray dog. It wasn't long before the long before the young male joined me and pulled out his sketchbook. He sat on the stairs drawing; I laid behind him, watching. A few hours later both adults came and sat down and joined him.

Caesar was going to pull through. He just needed rest, all of us did. I was saddened to learn of Ash's death at Koba's hands. I knew he hated humans but I didn't think he would kill his own kind to get them to follow him. Everyone went inside to do just that. I stayed on the porch, as look out. Much later that night Blue Eyes left telling me the plan, but I had to wait here. Koba would recognize me, so would the others because of my eyes. I stayed on the porch, not being comfortable inside walls, walls were a cage. Two days passed before Blue Eyes came back at night fall with Maurice, Rocket, Luca, and a few other males that were on the council.

Blue Eyes told us the Koba had sent for the women and the young; they were heading for the city. We had to move now. Malcolm was going to lead us to the tunnels that would take us to the tower. I transformed into a tiger and knelt before Caesar, waiting for him to get on. He climbed on my back and we followed Malcolm into the city under the cover of darkness. We followed Malcolm into what he called the subway tunnels.

He talked to us quietly as we walked and we made it halfway before someone shot at us. I jumped out of the line of fire with Caesar still on my back. All the other apes stayed behind me. "Who's there?" a voice called. "If you're human you better say so!" Well if this dumbass hit his target there wouldn't be a whole lot of talking.

"It's me, it's Malcolm." He then turned to us, "Go take the stairs. It'll bring out onto the street. The tower will be in front of you."

Caesar looked at the stairs then back at him, "Trust," Caesar replied before I moved to the stairs having received a small kick in my side. I heard the others follow as human footfalls approached Malcolm. Once out on the streets, everything seemed quiet but something seemed, off. I moved towards the tower at a slow run. I could smell Koba. The others followed me, trusting my sense of smell. I reached the tower and started to climb even with Caesar on my back.

I had to shift form tiger to panther as tigers weren't the best at climbing and the higher I went I had to shift once more to chimp as the bars became too far apart for my cat form to jump. I needed the strength of an ape to swing. Plus my cat form was too heavy. Caesar still hung my back and once we reached the top, he got off. Koba was there, waiting. He still held a gun, the weapon showing his weakness as he taunted the true leader of the clan.

"Caesar has no place here. Apes follow Koba now," Koba said pacing around Caesar.

"Follow Koba to war," Caesar replied.

"Apes win war! Apes together strong! Caesar weak," Koba said becoming more agitated.

"Koba...weaker," Caesar replied. "Trusted Koba like brother."

"Caesar brother to human! Koba fight for ape!" Koba yelled. "Free ape! Kill ape!" I roared at that. Koba didn't free the apes, he had killed them, he had led them to their death.

"Koba fight for Koba," Caesar replied speaking truth. "Koba belong in cage." With that, all hell broke loose and Koba and Caesar were fighting. The tower was under construction and was shaky ground to fight on. Koba had been injured within the first few minutes of fighting. Caesar was still recovering from being shot; he wasn't at his full strength. Koba wasn't going to fight fair.

When he started firing his gun I leapt at him in my tiger form and took him to the ground. It was enough of a distraction for Caesar to get the others that were trapped under fallen parts of the tower after the explosion out. Blue Eyes then picked up some metal poles and threw at Koba, knocking him off the side of the tower. Caesar came over to him as I looked down at him. He was dangling over the side of the tower, hanging on by one hand.

Caesar walked over to him and looked down at him, "Ape no kill ape," Koba said hoping to save himself. Caesar reached down and grabbed his wrist and started to pull him up.

"You are not ape," Caesar said. I could see Koba's face fall as Caesar let go. And so Koba fell and the war was still to be decided. We went to the bottom of the tower where we were greeted by the women and children. They were all safe. Malcolm came out to join us and the other apes started to grab a hold of him. I roared at them.

"No! Leave him!" Caesar shouted. They all instantly moved away from him. He came down towards Caesar and Caesar moved towards him.

"You're not safe here. They've made contact. Other people are coming. Soldiers. You have to leave now. Everyone. If you don't it will be all out war."

"War has already begun. Ape started war and human will not forgive," Caesar said. "You must go before the fighting begins. I am sorry my friend. I thought we had a chance."

"I did too," Malcolm replied as Caesar put their foreheads together. And so would begin the war between humans and apes.

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