Chapter 5 The Dam

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Chapter 5 The Dam

The next morning at the dam the major council leaders sat on horses outside, Blue Eyes held his little brother while the humans worked. I stood in the river in my tiger form, I didn't trust other humans, my last contact with them had been when I was five. They had left me behind, most likely hoping I would die. Suddenly there was a loud boom and the ground shook, spooking the horses. I jumped and growled as well but I could hear the humans screaming for help. I looked up to Caesar and moved to the dam when he only looked back.

The fools had trapped themselves in a tunnel. I called to the apes and dropped down in and started working on clearing a path to the men trapped in the tunnel. Luca and Maurice joined me and helped move the heavy rock. Once the path was clear I went into the tunnel and grabbed the rope in my mouth and pulled their sorry asses out. It was Carver, Malcolm and a dark skinned man who's name I hadn't learned. Everyone came out to the surface with only one of them injured.

The human boy and woman were working on Carver's leg. He was the only injured one from the explosion. Malcolm approached Caesar thanking him for his help and telling him they might need a bit more time. He would probably give it. They hadn't hurt anybody and had so far complied with what he asked. I watched as Cornelius, my youngest brother moved to the female's back to see what they were doing. I moved forward watching him, ready to defend him as Caesar dismounted. I watched my little brother play with the female and young male before moving to the trunk on the ground. Carver instantly reacted to this and pulled the cloth further back revealing and gun yelling at my brother.

I leapt over the young ape and pushed Carver to the ground and snarled at him and pulled the gun from his hands. Cornelius was holding onto my underside. He would be safe there, as I continued to snarl. "Said no guns," Caesar said coming over to me and taking the gun from me as I pushed my paw on Carver's chest, allowing my claws to dig in just a little. "Human leave now!" Caesar shouted. They had no more time to fix the dam, no peace would be had. Because Carver couldn't give up his guns. I got off Carver and turned away moving to Blue Eyes. Blue Eyes took his brother out from under me and got on and I ran back to the colony.

I knew the others would join soon enough. Later Malcolm was back saying he'd make Carver leave and his wife had followed him. Caesar's wife had taken a turn for the worse. I couldn't do anything for her. Malcolm and Ellie were marched straight into Caesar's hut. I kept my eyes on the hut as Blue Eyes and Cornelius sat with me. "ONE DAY!" I heard Caesar shout. The humans had done something to secure themselves one more day of work.

That night I sang to Caesar's youngest son as he went to see his wife. She wasn't doing well and I had done what I could. The humans had come in, but I ignored them, there were more than enough apes here to tear them apart if they started something. I just sang to my little brother.

"I hear your voice on the wind

And I hear you call out my name

"Listen, my child," you say to me

"I am the voice of your history

Be not afraid, come follow me

Answer my call, and I'll set you free"

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain

I am the voice of your hunger and pain

I am the voice that always is calling you

I am the voice, I will remain

I am the voice in the fields when the summer's gone

The dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blow

Ne'er do I sleep throughout all the cold winter long

I am the force that in springtime will grow

I am the voice of the past that will always be

Filled with my sorrow and blood in my fields

I am the voice of the future, bring me your peace

Bring me your peace, and my wounds, they will heal

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain

I am the voice of your hunger and pain

I am the voice that always is calling you

I am the voice

I am the voice of the past that will always be

I am the voice of your hunger and pain

I am the voice of the future

I am the voice, I am the voice

I am the voice, I am the voice."

Caesar allowed the humans one more day as long Carver wasn't there and the apes would help. Ellie, the only female of the group treated Cornelia and she recovered. Koba had disappeared which worried me. Koba seemed intent on starting trouble between the humans and the apes. His hate was going to get us all killed. Him on his own probably wouldn't be much of a problem but some of the apes seemed to agree with his view of things.

Some of the apes like Maurice listened and respected my opinion but others while they would hear me out would never respect me enough to even consider trying what I said and would never follow me if something did happen and Caesar for some reason couldn't lead and Koba most certainly would lead us to our deaths. Maurice and Luca they might listen to me, definitely Blue Eyes, but Blue Eyes seemed to side more with Koba these days. He was young and trying to figure things out. He had never dealt with humans before, not like his father.

When the humans left Caesar came down to me by the fire that was almost dead where I was stretched out on a log. "Gabrielle," he said to get my attention. I turned my head to look at him, his youngest, Cornelius sleeping on my chest. ~"Thank you for looking after him and protecting him earlier today. You reacted faster than I did. You saved him."~

"You're welcome and I couldn't let anything happen to my little brother now could I?" I said smiling at Caesar.

~"We'll need your help at the dam tomorrow,"~ Caesar signed before picking up his son.

"I'll meet you there," I said putting out the fire and heading back to my own camp.

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