FFE | Miss Deloris

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FFE | Miss Deloris

The smelling of good cooked food is what made Zayn realize that he truly missed home. Especially in the morning. He has been away for too long, and he is starting to come to an understanding on what he has been missing out on. It was unfair because Doniya was home most of the time if she wasn't at her place. She had graduated college last spring, so she has been pursuing her life while Zayn had one more year to go before he could finally pursue his own profession.

Zayn was in school to become a master technician. He was in love with cars and always be in love with them. Since he graduated highschool around the age of eighteen, he decided to take a long break and not go straight to college the following fall. That meant included working, meeting new people, and even getting his own apartment. So when he turned nineteen he decided that he was going to go to a community college and get his associate's degree in automotive technology. He is now going to go back to school in the fall and finish up.

The twenty-year old actually slept on the couch last night since his room has unfortunately turned into an office. It felt nice being back at home. The memories that were here all came back to him when he opened his eyes to see that he wasn't in his apartment all by himself. Home is where he felt safe and loved by all the people that he loved. Family was something that was very important to Zayn. He couldn't live without any of his family members being next to him. Now that he's here, he wants to make up that lost time.

Deciding to freshen up for the day, he grabbed some stuff from his duffle bag and headed upstairs to get clean. Everything was the same upstairs too. No difference with the family pictures and some quotes in Arabic hanging up on the halls. There was still that dent in the wall when him and his other little sister, Waliyha Malik, got into that fight one day after school when they were younger. He remembers them both getting in trouble that one day and it just makes him chuckle thinking about it now. Zayn was really at peace with being home.

After getting spruced up, he headed downstairs and was greeted by that wonderful smell of food. He greeted both his mother and older sister who was preparing breakfast for today.

"Sabahul khayr," Zayn greeted the two women goodmorning in Arabic, giving them loving hugs and delicate kisses.

"How'd you sleep hun?" Trisha asked with a sweet hum.

"Pretty well actually," Zayn yawned rubbing his eyes. "Feels nice to be back honestly."

"That's good," Trisha smiled, turning the stove on low.

"Zayn," Doniya chirped, catching her brother's attention. "You know we had some new neighbors move in across the street the a couple back back? They're really nice."

"Oh yes!" Trisha turned around with joy at the mention of their new neighbors. Looking at Zayn because she forgot to tell him. "They are very kind people Zayn. I truly adore them."

"Mum, you adore everybody," Zayn groans shaking his head.

"Not true," she defended, frowning softly.

"Okay, remember my teacher that was racist in highschool?" Zayn reminded.

And Doniya even snorted at the memory, "Oop, I remember that."

"You adored him, and it turned out that he was actually a prick undercover," Zayn smirks mischievously.

"Zayn!" Trisha scolded at his language.

Zayn started cracking up, going on, "If I didn't know any better..I'm pretty sure he wanted you mum."

"Javadd," she said his middle name sternly as well as crossing her arms. "That's enough."

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