Legoz And Twizzlerz

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Y/n pov:

You, Ned, and peter walked down the streets of New York. You liked living in a city like this, it was almost like you were in a movie. You all were ranting about the plot of star wars and how the new movie coming out was Going to plug into it, and theories about what would happen. Before you knew it you saw the familiar apartment. Peter opened the door walking in and up to his room. Aunt may didn't seem to be home.

You walked up to his room and Peter out his bag down throwing some clothes in the hamper and cleaning up a little bit of his crowded room. You looked around at the walls seeing posters and pictures, and tech scattered around the room.

You set your bag down and looked over to Ned who was grabbing the box of Legos under peters desk, he looked on the back seeing the small words, before he sat on the bed and handed it to Peter. They opened the box and you all started working, you sat on the ground because it was on the ground and easier to reach. Building lego structures took a long time especially because this one had over 7,000 pieces to it.

Halfway through you stood up your Leg falling asleep, you tried to walk in it to wake it back up. "Ahhh, mah leg" you said quietly limping around the room like an idiot, Ned laughed at this " thats why I sit on the bed" he said wiggling his feet. You stopped and leaned against his bed post before your stomach groaned.

You looked to peter, a slight tint of  pink on your cheeks. "do you have food in your house?" you asked, Peter smiled and nodded. "yeah you guys want some food?" he asked turning to Ned, who looked at his stomach "yeah, food fuels this." he said pointing to his head. Peter stood up and so did Ned, walking to the downstairs. You limped following them down the stairs, your leg finally getting feeling at the bottom of the stairs.

You finally could walk somewhat normally and followed them to the pantry, full of some of the leftover chip bags, and snacks from you and Peter's movie night. You looked to peter who was looking at his phone "I just ordered pizza, take Any snacks you want up to my room till it gets here." he said smiling lightly.

Ned looked to peter "I'll pay this time." he said patting Peter's shoulder. Peter smiled. All three of you heading back upstairs to Peter's room, your arms full of the snacks you guys had picked. You sat next to Peter on the ground Ned sitting on the rolling Chair and spinning eating some chips while me and Peter were snacking on some doritos. (cheesy godlyness)

you all sat there eating the snacks making sure not get any dorito cheese on the quarter way built millennial falcon. you guys continued building and snacking.

After a long while of waiting for the delivery to get to the house, the doorbell rang though the house, and all our heads perked up. Ned was the first to get up and run out the door "I'm paying! I'll bring it up!" he said running down the stairs to answer the door, leaving you and Peter sitting on the floor in the room alone.

Peter looked to you as you ate a twizzler,  he went and reached to grab one but you jerked you hand away to tease him, you gave a small smirk at his failed attempt to get the candy and he pouted slightly, reaching for it again, this time he reached to get it behind your back. His eyes widened his arm slipping to the floor behind you, pinning you to the floor almost. He looked down at you with wide eyes, your faces were inches away, you had a blush spread across your face, and so did he. He went to open his mouth to say something, before Ned walked through then door the pizza boxes blocking his view of the scene.

Peter scrambled and got up his blush darkening "s-sorry.." he said shyly before, you quickly sat up straight Ned putting the pizza boxes down "I Ned the almighty, have blessed you with pizza." he said in a lower voice a large smile on his face. "Thank you the mighty ned." you said smiling at him and crawling up to grab a slice, trying to wipe the bright blush off your face.

Peter seemed a little awkward after that incident. You happily ate the pizza, and Peter ate as well. you guys ate most of the pizza, And you were really full from eating so much, but it was worth it. You laid on the ground and groaned "what's the time?" you asked as Peter poking your head up and looking to him.

He blushed and picked up his phone checking the time. "it's almost 7." he said clearing his throat. You rolled onto your stomach a sat up, and stretched. "I should get going, we didnt finished the Lego set so, I'm gonna go out and take a walk, before going home." you said smiling at them. Ned stood up and nodded " yeah going home is a good idea now ." he said laying on the bed.

You walked to the door and waved" maybe if i'm lucky ill be able to see a few glimpses of spiderman on my way home. " you said raising your brows a little " see you guys! " you said walking down the stairs and out the front door with a twizzler in your hand. You gave a long sigh, leaning against the door. You looked at the twizzler, a small blush on your face you made your way back home through the streets of New York.



hey! sorry about the day late update i left my phone on the train on saturday, so it took me a while to get it up on my computer. hope you guys enjoy!

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