Chapter 5

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 I knew I was on a stretcher. And that Blake was with me, not injured, but giving them my medical information. " Does she have any disorders?" I hear. I slightly open my eyes and see him. " No, she's just a normal person." He says. I start to breathe heavily, and try to stop panicking. He was bringing ,me to the hospital. It brought a lot of memories back. I start to sob, silent tears dripping down my face. I can feel my body  ache, and I try to keep my heart going, since I start to black out again. I still have no idea, why he decided to help me.

I woke up in a room with white walls, and blue curtains around me. As my eyes open, I see a nurse by my bed. " Hello dear. How do you feel?" She asks me. I look around, confused. " Tired. What happened to me?" I ask. " You experienced sleep paralysis. You didn't get enough sleep, causing you to black out." She informs me. I nod and she places something on my face. " What are you doing?" I ask through the mask. I start to breathe heavily, and black out again.

After I woke up, I saw my friends around me. I flinched, when I saw them. " Oh my god! Thank goodness your OK!" Bree said quietly. I weakly smile. " Hi Bree." Emma and Casey came over and gave me a hug. " Hey guys." I said quietly.  Drake came over and gave me another hug. " We were afraid you were going to die." He said. I closed my eyes briefly and opened them again. " No I'm fine." i say quietly. Emerson walks over, and hugs me as a tear runs down my eye. The nurse walks in and ushers everyone except Emerson out. He's such a good friend, I consider him a brother. He sits on the chair and looks at me and laughs. " What?" I ask a little confused. " Your so accident prone." He explains smiling. I weakly smile. " I guess your right." I say. " What happened?" He asks me. I shift my self in the bed, and sit up properly. " Umm. I didn't get enough sleep, and when he threw me into the water, my body froze. It's sleep paralysis." I tell him. " Well, I'm glad your alright." He says to me. I put my hand on the rail of the bed, and he takes my hand helping me up. The nurse walks in and takes my hand, putting in an IV. " Sweetie, you have to lie down, you need to rest for a while." She says. I lie down on the cot and sigh. I really didn't want to stay in here. But I had to. Emerson leaves and before I know it. Blake walks in. " Vicki. I'm so sorry."

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