Chapter 3

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As I walked through Emma's house, I looked at all the photo's of us on her wall. Most of them were summer and winter photo's. As we got to her room. I put my bag on the bed beside hers. " So, what do you wanna do first?" She asks. I take out my pyjama's and zip my bag. " I'm just going to change." I walk down the hall, and catch Embry, Emma's 17 year old brother, in the hall. " Hey Vick." He says. " Hey Em." I walk into the bathroom, and lock the door. As I take my shirt off I catch the side of my stomach. It was complete bone. I tried to ignore it, but it was a little hard. I quickly slipped the top over my head, and put the shorts on with it. I untied my long blonde hair, and let it slide down my back. I walked back to Emma's room, and sit by the bed. " Emma!" Her mom calls. " WHAT!!" She answers back. i smile weakly because of her tone, that's Emma for you. " Dinner." Her mom says. We walk down and I sit at the place that her mother set up for me. " Hi Vicki! How are you?" Her mom asks. " I'mm good thanks misses Majury."  I say. The various bowls of mashed potatoes, salad, steaks, and a bunch of other things. Embry poured everyone water, and sat next to me and Emma. I didn't really want to eat after what happened, but if I didn't, Emma would know something was wrong. Bree and Casey walked through the door, and sat with us.  " Sorry, Drake wanted to keep the game going." Bree informs us. She sits at the table with us, and we start to eat. I take a small serving of potatoes and a steak so that no one notices. As I choke down the food, realizing that it feels different in my empty, tender stomach. Once I finish Casey, Bree and Emma are still eating. " Vicki aren't you hungry?" Emma's mom asks us. " No, I uh, I ate before I came here." I say. " Thanks though." Everyone finishes, and we go back up to Emma's room. " So I guess we should sleep, tomorrow we are gonna go to the beach!" Bree exclaims. I curl up in the bed, and silently sleep.

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