Chapter 1

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A broken heart doesn't heal right away. It takes time, sometimes longer than you think. I used to love sitting at the schools playground with Bree, Casey, and everyone else. But since Blake left me, I just couldn't sit there without looking at my wrists. How do you manage pain like this? " Vick?" Bree called me. I flinched and looked up. " Your after Casey."  I nodded and watched Casey fasten the blindfold. Spin the bottle was always something fun. The rules were simple. Your blindfolded, you spin the bottle, and who ever it lands on, you have to kiss for a good 2 minutes. You could see Casey smiling widely as she spun the bottle. It landed on Emerson. Not that I had anything against Casey, but she had a reputation of making out with guys. As the two  minutes passed, all i could think of was the way I had dealt with this. It was over, and Casey started to laugh as soon as the blindfold was off. Bree tightened the blindfold on my head, and I took the bottle and I heard a few gasps as I felt the boy touch my lips with his. I thought this was alright, but the time was ticking and it brought back way too many memories. I fought to hold back the tears. His hands placed on the disc of my back, and I heard Emerson call. " Times up you 2 lovebirds." It wasn't him? Then it had to be Drake. As someone unfolded the blindfold. I felt complete shocked as I stared into those piercing blue eyes. Realizing that it was Blake.

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