The kiss

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Tori and I both laugh as we step out of the mall. We had gone there to get some candy, we ended up eating half the store. "That was amazing!" Tori says happily.
"Yes, it was," I say laughing. Tori then turns to me. She smiles and pulls herself up pressing her lips against mine. I kiss her back and put my hands in her hair. She then pulls away. Clary used to kiss better.... I shake off my thoughts.
"I'll see you later?" She asks.
"Yeah, yeah definitely," I say. She smiles and walks away.

I walked up my porch and look at Jace's house. And there I saw Jace kiss the girl from the movies. I felt pointless. I wanted to walk across the street, tear them apart and kiss Jace. But I don't do that instead I turn around and walk inside. I go to my room and sit on my bed with my work clothes. Why does he get to move on so quickly? Why can't i get a boyfriend who won't hurt me? Doesn't karma exist anymore? I take off my clothes and look at myself. I look so ugly. Just like Jace said when he broke my heart. I'm skinny, and pale with freckles that looked like splotches, red curly hair that looked like sewage hair, and green eyes that looked toxic. Meanwhile, The girl kissing Jace had silky brown hair with brown eyes and tan skin. I put on my pajamas and turn off the lights.

It's been a few weeks since Tori kissed me. I guess she took me kissing her back as a sign of being my girlfriend. She's a lot like Clary, yet at the same time she's nothing like her. I feel like a douche for using Tori to get over Clary. That's another thing! I finally accepted the fact that there's no way in heaven or hell that Clary will ever want me back. She proved that to me a few days ago.
I was working on homework when I herd a knock on the window. I looked up and saw Clary. My heart jumped as memories flashed of the times before where she'd knock on my window. I opened the window. "Hey! How are you!" She says, but before I can answer, she interrupts me. "That's great! So, listen, I'm cleaning out my room and i found all of these things, and i thought you'd like to have them, so here you go! Do whatever you want with them, burn them, keep them, sell them, throw it away, they're yours now!" She says and drops a box in my room. "Goodbye!" She says and slides away. I look at her as she gets out of the tree, jumps the fence and walks across the street, then she opens her front door and disappears she sounded really passive aggressive. I open the box flap, and my heart squeezes.

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