He sniffed the coffee bean offered by the saleslady to clean his sinuses first. Then, he held Seungwan's hand that  clutched at the scent and got a whiff of the next sample sheet.

"This scent just begs to be hugged." He said looking her in the eye, a humorous tone lacing his voice.

"I'll- I'll take this then." She says shyly, averting her eyes to the saleslady who   found the conversation amusing.


"We're here." Hoseok stretches out his hand in a grand gesture, opening the door to a rather humble looking restaurant.

Outside it looked like an old mom and pop kind of restaurant, with the building beside it, it was looking small but homey, a great discrepancy with all the formal and intimidating atmosphere that the buildings and lights of Seoul had to offer. Inside, it was rather organized and clean, the tables strategically placed and the customers sit on the floors. The whole atmosphere of the restaurant was customer friendly, notes were plastered on the walls and pictures of people enjoying their food, graduation pictures, artworks and notes. She noticed some pictures looked vaguely familiar, and when she approached a wall she was then struck by a sudden realization.

"I know this place." She looked back for confirmation, "I've seen this place somehwere, right?"

"Right, but I think you've never been to this place." He chuckled at her expression, he saw her eyebrows knit through the spaces of her bangs, trying to think of why the place looked familiar to her.

"We aren't exactly this close when I frequented this place." He continued, as he choose a table and led her there, she waddled behind the man letting him drag her as she is unable to multitask. He sat down on the floor after her; her hands on the temples of her head thinking.

"The rest of Bangtan frequented this place, not just me."

He eyed her, raising an eyebrow, and quirking his lips into an expectant smile.

"Ah! Ah!" She clapped her hands wildly, and a loud guffaw emitted from the man's mouth regarding her too enthusiastic clapping.

"Uh.. It's Rookie King, 맞지? 맞지? (Right? Right?!)"

"마자 (Right)." He clapped along side her, "We filmed here before." The man kept laughing, hands clasping his heaving stomach.

"And the person you're referring to that wants to meet me, is she the... the owner of this place?"

"Yes. That 이모 (Auntie)." Hoseok calmed down breathing deeply as he now regarded her profile from where he sat beside her.

"Oh no. I should have brought something."

"It's okay. She's really looking forward to meet you."

"But still." Seungwan was pouting, she could have baked something for the owner.

Just then a loud voice came from the kitchen and a woman, probably in her late 50's emerged, wearing a red apron.

"Aigoo-yah! If it isn't my 희망 (Hope)." She was so loud and hyper she stunned the two in silence, when she walked - more like jogged - towards the two she continued, "Omo! Omo! Omo! Aigoo~ who is this pretty lady?" Seungwan blushed, the Korean culture of being frank and upfront of one's looks still jars her, but now she can take both compliments and not so great comments, one at a time.

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