"Umm.. Promise me you won't tell anyone.." Todoroki nodded.

"It's (M/N).." Todoroki's eyes widened, going over to the tall male.

"We expect an explanation from you soon... But be thankful i won't be telling anyone about you two, and Midoriya, be careful around him, i don't trust him that much.. Yet.." Midoriya nodded at him, the sentence made (M/N) glare at the bi-haired male.

"I will! And todoroki-kun, expect me to not go easy on you later.."

"Heh, don't worry, i won't go easy on you too..." With that, todoroki left the room, leaving the two behind.

"I guess that's my cue to leave.." (M/N) said, standing up from the chair, pulling out a dagger.

"Wait but where are you going?"

"Go do my hobby of course! What do you expect?" (M/N) played with the dagger he was holding.

"(M/N)-kun can't you take a break from that?" Midoriya frowned at the thought of him killing more people.

"Sorry, Izuku.. No can do.. This is the life of a villain, it's hard but it satisfies me.. Anyways i have to go..." (M/N) walked to door and opened it, looking back at Midoriya,

"Oh and, i forgot.. I feel the same way, i'll see you again soon..!" With that (M/N) left the room, when he was gone Midoriya's exploded with blushes.

"H-H-He likes m-me back?! O-Oh god.. A villain l-l-like me back! O-oh shoot the sports festival! It's our turn now!" Midoriya also ran outside the room, his flustered face slowly disappearing.


With (M/N)...

{(M/N)'s POV}

'That went well than i expected...' I was sitting in a building, looking over to the crowd of people, waiting for a victim.

"I wonder.. If it would be best to not be a villain.. But i can't... It will make things harder for me.. Even for dad.." The cold wind brushed against me, sighing to myself, i saw a woman with a child, walking over to an alley, i assumed they're going on a shortcut, but they have their death wish too.

I waited for them to go midway, before i activated my quirk on the woman, making her scream and fall on her knees, good thing it was a long alleyway, so no one could hear them.

"Mommy are you okay?!" So this child is a son of that woman.. Guess that makes things interesting.

I jumped down to where they are, i saw the child flinch at the sight of me.

"Wh-Who are you?! What did you do to mommy?!"

'This child.. He reminds me of myself..' I kneeled down to his level, my dagger at my hand.

"Please.. Don't hurt mommy.." The kid tried using his quirk on me, which was weak... Maybe he just manifested it.

'Such a shame to waste shadow manipulation on such a weak body..'

"Sorry kid, but that's how life is.." I patted on the kid's head and smirked at him, before doing a chop on his neck to make him fall unconcious.

"As for you.." The woman kept screaming, i deactivated my quirk for her to stop.

"It hurts.. What happened to kentaro.. KENTARO?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY?!" This woman i swear..

"Oh, you mean him?" I kicked the childs's body to her, revealing the child's unconcipus self.

"My baby.. Kentaro.. PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM!" The woman hugged the child close, making me chuckle, hearing her sobs of fear gets me excited...

"Geez he's just someone useless, You're lucky i won't kill him.." The woman glared daggers at me, i saw her eyes turn white, i'm guessing a quirk that has something to do with the weather or surroundings? I then saw a garbage can flying towards me.

"Nice quirk~ but i have to get rid of you so no one can know about our little secret~" I activated my quirk again, making the trash can drop, shrill screams can be heard.

"Bye.. Bye.." I stabbed the woman by the chest, pushing her down while pulling out the dagger, stabbing her again and again in different spots.

Blood splatters around my face and shirt, making me smile widely, i stopped when i got tired, laughed to myself, looking over at the child.

I walked to him and whispered to his ear, with him half concious.

"Don't tell anyone or i'll have to hunt you down~"

I chuckled to myself before i jumped away from the alleyway, not daring to look back.

When i escaped from the alley, i heard a loud bang from the same place where the Sports festival was held.

"Huh? It's only been fifteen minutes.. So.. It's Izuku!" They're just first years! D*mn, UA has some interesting students this year, and what the hell.. Is that smoke?! Holy sh*t it's too thick to see through..!

I made sure to take off my Jacket, wiping the fresh blood off me, throwing the jacket at the floor before jumping form building to building again to the sports fest.

I made sure to stay out of sight from the Pro Heroes, blending in with the crowd that was going inside.

I made my way to the first year's event, sneaking inside the place for only students and staffs can go in.

'Hang on Izuku..'

✔ A Mere Hallucination || BNHA x Male!Villain!reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now