Chapter 1 - Running Away

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I'm gonna put a quote at the top of every chapter

I was awoken by the sound of my alarm clock going off. As much as I would love to slap my hand on that snooze button and fall back to sleep I knew I couldn't even if I wanted to. I grudgingly got out of bed and went for a shower, I then brushed my teeth and went downstairs to make breakfast for my pack of 259 people.

As I finished breakfast the entire pack came running downstairs like the animals they are. I snacked on a piece of bacon and ran upstairs back to my broom closet of a room to get my bag for--- Wait wait wait how Am I so rude to you!!

My name is Julia Peters, I am 18 today. I am a werewolf, I know cool and all right. Well not for me I am the omega of the pack which means I'm the pack's punching bag, servant and always looked down upon.

Anyways I am supposed to find my mate today I am hoping he will accept me even though I'm an Omega. One could only hope.

"I hope he will," my wolf Anna stated hopefully. I had gotten her earlier than normal we are wolves. I still remember that day, the day I first shifted.


It was around 10:39 pm and I had just finished my omega duties when I heard a loud crack it was then I felt an excruciating pain in my back.
I ran outside the packhouse and into the forest already knowing what it was.

'My first shift'

The process was more painful than I thought it would be, like thousands of beatings altogether, but in the end, I felt terrific.

I ran to the lake nearby to see my reflection. As I was admiring myself I heard a voice in my head.

"WE'RE BEAUTIFUL," it said.

"Are you my wolf ?"

"Yes, dear. My name is Anna," she kindly said.

End of flashback

From then on we have been best friends. I got my bag and headed to the hell hole also known as school.


I was walking to my first-period class when I smelt the most delicious and addicting smell. Chocolate and freshly cut grass.

"MATE!!!" Anna screamed in my head.

I followed the amazing smell which eventually leads to our future Alpha Xavier White.
I was ecstatic, but his position of making out with the school's slut Whitney Paris wasn't the best first impression.

As if he had finally smelt me he looked up. Disappointment crossed his face and I knew that moment he was going to reject me. He whispered something into Whitney's ear and she left without a glance at me.

He came up to mean and said, "Why in the name of the Moon Goddess did I have to have such a weak slut as a mate."

As the words left his mouth I felt my heart break piece by piece as he said each word.

Then it shattered when he said
"I, Xavier White future Alpha of the Red Fang Pack reject you, Julia Peters Omega of the Red Fang Pack as my mate and Luna."
I knew it was coming but I wasn't prepared for this unbearable feeling of rejection.

There and then I knew I couldn't take it anymore.

I looked him in the eyes seeming unaffected by his words even though I was in pain and said,

"I, Julia Peters Omega of the Red Fang Pack accept future Alpha Xavier White's rejection."

He seemed shocked by my words but quickly replace it with an emotionless mask and walked away from me.
I turn around and ran straight into the forest, shifting into my charcoal black wolf as I reached the forest line.

I let out a long painful howl and took off into a sprint. I ran for two hours before I lied down on my fluffy stomach and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was getting dark so I went to the packhouse to make everyone a dinner of Macaroni and cheese with mashed potatoes and gravy.

I ran to my room and packed all my belongings I have already decided that I would be leaving this pack tonight as everyone was asleep. When dinner was over I washed the dishes and returned to my room. All of a sudden I felt this powerful pain in my stomach. Anna began to howl longingly which made me worried.

"Anna, what's wrong?"

"Mate...being...unfaithful" she rasped out in a sad, heartbroken voice.

"I'm sorry I am such a terrible human for you, you deserve much better I even got you rejected by your mate."
I said back to her.

"No you're not we are perfect together and if you go down we go down together. Got it !" She exclaimed.

"Yes Anna," I responded like a child who had just been scolded.

With that, I took everything I own which was just a duffle bag full and jumped out the window shifting in my beautiful charcoal black wolf.
I then ran toward the borders never once looking back and not regretting my decision.

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