Oh look it's my art book eww (also dare from Tub)

9 1 0

Oh shit some actually decent art

Welp, @SledgeyBoi said I gotta do dis sooooooooooooo

1)Nickname - Fred

2) Eye colour - Blue

3) Hair colour -  uhh .. well its kinda ginger and kinda light brown, my mum says its strawberry blonde .w.

4) Fact about you - I have an unhealthy addiction to diet coke .. like seriously it's gonna get me killed one of these days

5) Favourite colour - Blue

6) Favourite place - My bedroom

7) Favourite celebrity - Nick Grimshaw ... if he counts xD radio hosts can be famous right?

8) Favourite animal - Bears .w.

9) Favourite song - don't really have on it changes all the time 

10) Favourite book - Skulduggary Pleasant; by Derik Landy

REEEEEEEEEE I don't even use this website anymore soooooooooooooo ima tag @Da_Real_Meowette and 

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