short story for a competition

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It was three years ago today I lost Sam. The screams of pain still echo in my mind, the guilt still clawing at my sanity. And I did nothing. I could have saved her, and I did nothing. She was the perfect sister, and I let her down.

As I walk over to the mirror and look at my long messy hair, I think the same phrase as every other day.

"You're such a screw up Alice."

I grab my pink t-shirt and my jeans and quickly change out of my pyjamas. Shortly after I walk down the stairs, grab a juice carton out of the fridge and drag myself back up the stairs, carelessly fumbling the straw into the hole. But without noticing, I slip on one of the stairs, and before I know what's happening I'm blacked out on the stairs.

After what feels like hours I finally wake up and I'm back in my bed. But something feels different. I get up and walk over to my mirror to find myself six inches smaller!? Once I'm done freaking out, I turn my attention back to the important matter. Why am I six inches smaller? I look around for some explanation but find none, so I walk over to the door. But before I reach the handle, the door is thrown into my face.

"Alie wake up- OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY!!" Sam says, running to my side and I let the tears flow. She tries to say something but I pull her into a hug before she can. I hug her tighter and she gives me a confused but comforting look.

"I didn't think you would be awake so soon." She says pulling out of the hug.

"Y-yeah..." I stutter.

"Well c'mon then! Hurry up and get dressed because you promised we could go to the park today!" she squeals like an exited pig.

"Um, do we have to go to the park today? Can't we go tomorrow?" I ask

"But we have to go today!!" she whines, throwing my t-shirt at me.

Five minutes later, Sam and I walk down stairs, dressed and ready to go to the park.

"C'mon Alie let's go!" She shouts jumping around the living room.

"Okay, okay, calm down! I chuckle. I miss Sam. Well, missed. I don't know how I've ended up back in the past. Three years in the past. But if today happens like it did three years ago, I can save Sam. I can stop her from ever dyeing. Even if it cost my own life.

Because I would do anything for her.

I'm starting to tear up again now, knowing what's going to happen if this all goes wrong. Knowing the violent and brutal murder that will happen in the park. Tears start to blur my vision as I stand there crying. Sam and my mum both run over to me, worried looks on their faces. But I can't hold it in much longer I pull Sam into a second hug that I wish could last forever, and I sob into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." I whimper quietly. "I'm so sorry Sam..."

"It's okay, I have another t-shirt" she whispers, a warm smile on her lips. I reluctantly let her go and she quickly runs upstairs to change. I sit down on the couch and my mum sit next to me, putting her arm round me. "Do you want me to take Sam to the park today?" she asks.

"No, it's ok" I sniffle "I just... just had a bad dream I keep thinking about"

"Ok, well just go when you're ready and don't stay out to long" she says, going back to her kitchen work.

Moments later Sam comes bouncing back down stairs again, like an obnoxious rhino in a soup store.

"You feeling better now?" she asks.

"Yeah..." I sigh, wiping away the remaining tears.

"Does that mean we can go to the park now?" she asks cautiously.

"Yes, yes it does" I chuckle, getting up of the couch.

"Yay!!" she shouts, running to the door and leaving before I have a chance to stop her.

"Sam!?! Come back!" I say, panic filling my voice, I run out of the door, but I don't see her anywhere. I start sprinting towards the park, hoping that's where she went. Children. Children as far as the eye can see. But not Sam. I start running around the park. "SAM! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I scream multiple times, but to no avail. People start giving me strange looks as I run around the park, tears threating to fall once more.

"Boo!" Sam says from behind me, pushing both her hands onto my shoulders.

"Don't you ever run off like that again!!" I scream, turning round to face her. The happy smile on her face drops and is replaced with a large frown.

"Oh Sam I'm sorry, you just-" but before I could apologise Sam is already running off again. Running towards the ally way. That ally way. Instinctively I chase after her, fast on her tail, but not fast enough. She runs into the ally way and I follow. The darkness surrounds us. And then he walks up behind us. As if he too knew it was going to happen. He pulls out the gun and walks straight past me.

Time to make a difference.

I launch onto him and he turns round and shoots. He misses. I start clawing at him, hitting anything I can, just trying to get the gun away from me. But I fail. He pulls it round and shoots me in the head. I'm dying. In my last moments I see him then turn, take the gun and shoot Sam right in the head. As the blood pours out, and we both die there in that ally way.

I wake up in the hospital.

Waking up from falling on the stairs.

Knowing even if I had tried.

Sam would still be dead.

=====================================================================================So yeah. That's the thing I did last week that Sully says I should upload, and yes its the same one that's gonna be in the Five Nights Of Hell book. But what do you guys think? Kinda sad right? I made 3 friends at school cry with this so I'm guessing it's sad. and it would be longer but the competition says no more then 1000 words, so I used all of them. i wish i was older tho, top prize- £250 in cash and you're allowed to use 2000 words. oh well, top prize of £150 cash is sill good fro 1000 words, and who said I was gonna win anyway?

but yeah I'm gonna put exactly the same in the other book so you don't need to read it twice, this part will be the exact same.

-Rhhuarb & Sully

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