15 | bobby the cat

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    "Four?" I frown. "There hasn't been a number four yet."

    "Has there?" His grin turns mischievous as he grabs the List from his pocket, already bunched up and wrinkled. I gave it to him last time; I didn't realise I hadn't asked for it back. He hands it to me.

     On the paper, there's a title on top that says The List and three numbers below with my handwriting. But there's another number, and the cursive script is not mine.

 But there's another number, and the cursive script is not mine

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

     I gasp. "You did not."

    "I did." He's grinning so freakin' wide.

    "Why does your handwriting resemble my doctor's?" I mumble, tilting my head and turning the page around like the answer is right there. "Anyway, compliment her cat? I didn't even know she had one."

    "Me neither," he shrugs nonchalantly. "But I found out very quickly that Bobby means a great deal to her."

    "Bobby," I repeat, looking at him. "Bobby the Cat."

    "That is correct."

     We both look at each other dead in the eye and burst out laughing. It's crazy how the past few weeks have been. Trey and I end up staying under the bleachers longer than I thought, because honestly, I think we secretly just enjoy each other's presence. At least I do. But I'll never admit that to Trey; I'll never live it down otherwise.

     I look at the time. "Shoot."

     He glances up from his last bite, concerned. "What?"

    "I have to meet up with Justine and the girl in three minutes," I mutter. She wants to meet by the lockers before our first play practice, and I'm still trying to get used to the fact that she wants me around. Voluntarily.

     Trey gives me a lazy smile. "Already part of the group, are you?"

     I roll my eyes. "It's temporary." Just after I say it, though, there's an odd feeling in my chest. And now I just feel weird.

    "Right," he clears his throat as he gets up. "Just temporary."


     When I reach the girls, they're already talking about the cat.

    "He's kind of disgusting," I can hear Iris scoff. "His fur is always all over the place. And he scratches me a lot. Seriously, Justine, you should keep him in a cage or something."

    "Then how will I show off his cuteness?" Everyone laughs, and Justine smiles. She can rule the world with that smile. But it quickly falls short.

     When her gaze lands on Iris.

     I've noticed for a while about those two. Ever since the night of Iris's party — the first number on the List — I realised Iris likes to control Justine a lot, even when it appears that Justine is the ringleader of the group. Maybe... maybe she's not at all.

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