TFA jazz x human female reader

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sup! readers. here a TFA one shot. was thinking about doing one for a while now, so here ya go!.

3rd person POV

sneaky she was looking at him from the couch. [y/n] had a major crush on Jazz who was totally clueless about it. every time when she saw him, she totally lost it. spying was a new thing of late she started doing, which she hated but couldn't avoid when her eyes would find him. suddenly bumblebees voice brought her back to reality, which came so freaking out of the blue that she almost fell off the couch.

''Yo [y/n]!! what ya doing!?''

'' hey! that was not necessary.'' she angerly said. whit a grin on his faceplate bee looked at her trying his best to look totally innocent. ''Oooh I am sorry [y/n], did I interrupt you're spying session.'' ''no you di........I am not spying you moron!'' she whisper-yelled back. anger and shame were clearly visible on her face by now. '' I am going for a walk.'' smoothly she jumped off the giant couch and walked to the door. when she opened it the fresh cool breeze made her feel calmer again, and she quickly closed the door behind her and started her walk.

she went to the forest since for her it was the calmest place to be. quite often she came here just to relax and lose some stress. she found a nice place on a hill and sat down on the soft grass, back resting against a rock. from up here the view of the city was incredible, plus if anything happened she could easily see from up here.

about an hour had passed by now and after [y/n] had calmed down completely, she pulled her tiny sketchbook out of her left pocket, and a pencil out of the right one. she had almost finished her sketch when a sound not natural to the forest caught her attention. she turned around after closing her sketchbook just to stare at nothing but trees. ''mmm strange'' she said, '' I could have sworn I heard something.'' she just shrugged it off and decided to add more details to her sketch, and after that go back to the Autobot base.

while walking back she suddenly stopped when a feeling of uneasiness came over her. for the last 2 minutes, she already had it but ignored the feeling of 'someone might be watching me.' as fast as she could she turned around after hearing the cliche sound of a snapping twig behind her though, and couldn't believe what she saw. '' JAZZ!?!!'' the expression he made when [y/n] turned around made her almost laugh and forget her surprise.

''okay Jazz, what the heck are you doing here? because this looks like spying around to me, and trust me I know what that looks like.'' ''hummm o, hi [y/n], didn't expect to find you here.'' he awkwardly manages to say. '' o, really now?'' she raised an eyebrow and looked him in the optics. awkwardly he scratched the back of his neck and looked away. ''I huu......I axially came here to talk to you.'' Jazz eventually said.

taken aback by his words a bit [y/n] quickly tried to act as cool as she could. and that means, don't blush, don't giggle too much, and don't start stuttering when it gets to personal. ''o, really.....hum...okay'' was all she managed to get out after what he had said. '' do you mind if we talk somewhere else?'' Jazz suddenly said. '' that's okay.'' they walked for a minute and stopped when they stood next to a dirt road. Jazz then transformed and [y/n] got in sitting on the passenger's seat. after which he started driving to for [y/n] an on none destination.

little time skippy

when [y/n] got out of the passenger's seat after a 30-minute drive or so, she stared in awe at the beautiful view. a cliff looking out over the ocean surrounded by dozens of flowers, the sun's reflection sparkling in the ocean water, and birds chirping in the background. it almost looked perfect. Jazz transformed behind her and sat down on the grass. '' so what do you think'' he said while looking at the scenery himself. ''I.......I..hum...'' Jazz laughed a little '' now words for its beauty hu?'' [y/n] at this point wasn't sure if he was talking about the place, or her. quickly she hid her blush behind her hands and looked at the ocean to avoid eye/optic contact. suddenly Jazz said her name and she turned around. ''y..yes.'' '' ya wanna know why I brought you here?'' he mysteriously said. '' I guess, that would be nice'.''

''well,'' he started. '' for a while now I have noticed that you've been acting, well... a little defriend. so I asked the others if they noticed something off as well, but no one seemed to see. until I spoke to Bumblebee.'' at this very moment [y/n] was 100% sure she was going to have a mental breakdown. 'why him, why the F did he talk to him!,' she thought. Jazz continued. '' he told me that you were spying on me. so option one is that you don't trust me, which I know is not the case, because you accepted my offer to come to this place. and the second option Sari came up with is that...........'' Jazz seemed to hold back the words he was going to say.

''Jazz'' [y/n] spoke whit a hint of hesitation. '' I.....I think I know what's going on.'' her eyes looked at the ground. ''well'' he said while leaning a little closer towards her. by now her face was bright red cause she was totally going to confess, and Jazz was so close to her. [y/n] closed her eyes and said it. '' Jazz, I...I like you okay!'' after that she turned around and looked at the sea. shame covered her features and she couldn't look at Jazz. Jazz, however, was pleasantly surprised at what she just had said. ''don't worry [y/n], same here.''

a smile covered his faceplate. slowly he lifted her up to eye/optic level, staring into her big surprised [e/c ] eyes. ''ya know,'' Jazz said whit a smirk on his face. ''when I was talking about having now words for the beauty I was not talking about the landscape.'' this made [y/n] smile even more. '' knew it!'' she said.

then the kissed. it was perfect, well......almost perfect. besides Bumblebee sneakily glaring from between the bushes perfect.

alright people. that's this one shot for ya! hope you enjoyed reading it. have a goooooooooood daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

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