Parents Return Chapter 11

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"Welcome back Mother, Father" They both stood scowling at me, my mother walking up to me and smacking me around the face. I can't say i was surprised, i was expecting it. "You ruined our vacation you bitch!" My mother shouted at me through gritted teeth, deciding to reply softly as to not anger her anymore. "What have i done to ruin it?" "You murdered that poor girl, It couldn't have been anyone else. You're the blame for everything!" Why did he think of me that way? The fact that i had no clue made my eyes brim with tears, i definitely did not miss them.

Laughing Jack's POV
I was watching what was happening from the window, (Y/n)'s mom slapped her pretty hard and called her a bitch. Her father following lead and shouting at her saying she killed the kid that I killed, and she was to blame. My anger was growing, but I know I can't kill them because (y/n) would never forgive me. I stood looking out the window with my arms crossed, the frown on my face growing deeper as I was watched the scene unfold. Her father harshly locked his fingers within her hair, dragged her into the house all the while she fought against his grip. I swear if he hurts her anymore, I'm going to kill him and the mother.

Readers POV
"Stop please Father, Mother! Forgive me!" More and more tears cascaded down my red cheeks, clouding my vision as they mercilessly beat meat me. My dad pulled me up by my hair, swinging his arm back and punching me in the face, then throwing me back to the wall. "I hate you! You should have never been born!" Mother screamed at me, throwing the beer bottle. It hit the wall above me and shattering, its contents pouring down onto me as glass fell, finding it's way into my flesh. I refused to move, drained of all emotions and all that remained was an empty shell. A broken doll. "Go to your room" Weakly lifting myself  and limping towards my room, using the wall for support as i climbed the steps. Steadily walking into my room and locking the door behind me, I turned to see Jack waiting for me, his eyes widening when he saw the blood on my face and shattered glass embedded within my face and arms.


After Jack cleaned my wounds, he stared at my emotionless face feeling somewhat guilty. "You don't have to hold back your tears kiddo, I'm not gonna judge" With that I started sobbing, I couldn't hold it back anymore. Jack stood there watching, he felt sympathy, something he had never felt before. Climbing onto the bed and wrapping his arms around me. Cradling me in his arms, eventually I began to drift off to sleep. "Don't worry gumdrop, I'll take care of them for you" his voice was dark and low, that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep in his arms, unable to respond. I was tired, not only physically but mentally. Why do i keep fighting?

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now