Awkward Chapter 10

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I've been trying my best to avoid Jack since he made things awkward between us, just seeing him made me inwardly cringe at the memory. Every now and then he would ask me some questions and smile at me, but I would only respond with a one word answer, I was being way to obvious. I walked down stairs to the kitchen craving cookies, we didn't seem to have any so I had to make them from scratch. Hoping the smell would not lure him in.

I was just putting the cookies in the oven, when I turned around to be face to face with the one and only killer clown, Jack. Letting out a loud yelp of shock and fell backwards, but of course he caught me. I was just about to thank him, but then he dropped me and walked to the counter and sat in a chair watching me me. "Asshole" Mumbling under my breath, "I heard that" "Good" Raising my voice a little pulling myself up and dusting off the imaginary dirt, getting back to the cookies. He was watching my every move, his ash eyes burning into the back of my scalp making me quite uncomfortable. "Oi Kiddo, why are you avoiding me?" I froze in place, crap what do i do now. Turning to look at him with a confused expression, but of course he had one of those smiles on. The kind that says i'm rubbing it in your face to torment you. My (E/c) eyes never leaving his, "Because you made things awkward, and i don't know what to say or do" mumbling rather too quickly for him to process straight away. "Hahah!" His laughter was really getting on my nerves. 

Carefully taking the cookies out the oven and putting them on a plate, turning back around to shut the oven door. Jumping at the warm breath on my neck as he whispered in my ear, my name slipping from his tongue in a low seductive tone. I turned around to see Jack had each hand on both sides of the counter to stop me from escaping, his hips pushing into mine making it a lot harder to run away as i was pinned to the worktop. I really didn't know what to do, just blankly stood staring up at him. "What are you doing" Spoken with a true deadpan voice, attempting to push him off failing miserably. Once again he shoved his lips onto mine, devouring them in a hungry kiss as they moved in sync. He bit my bottom lip asking for permission, keeping my mouth tightly shut. A growl escaping him as he grabbed me by the butt, making me shriek and he took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. The kiss got more and more heated by the second, my arms snaking around his neck in an attempt to deepen it. Successfully picking me up and placing me on the counter, pushing his body even closer to mine. The kiss was more passionate then the last one but was also a bit rough, did not stop me from enjoying it though. Eventually we had to pull away for air, but that didn't stop jack from licking my lips. He wanted more, but i did not. 

Suddenly there was a car door slam, tearing my body from his and running to the closest window. "Oh no, my parents are back early" "Jack you need to hide!" I span around and Jack was gone, all the remained was a cola flavored lollipop, I quickly picked it up and went to greet my miserable parents.

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now