Anger Chapter 9

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"I took care of a few problems, that's all kiddo"

Readers POV
All the color in my face drained away, I didn't know how to react I just lay there, paralyzed looking at him with wide (e/c) eyes. "Jack, you didn't!?" He smiled ear to ear "How could you!" His smile slowly faded into a frown, the thin eyebrows furrowing. "Watch'a mean kiddo? I helped ya" Jack was now talking in a low tone, confused with her reaction and angered state. "No you didn't help! You made it worse!" Screaming at him, terrified of what is going to happen next. To my surprise he quickly pinned me to the bed, the dangerous look he was giving me made me shrink back. Fear devouring me, i had never seen him so mad and intimidating. "You should be grateful you bitch, i killed the one that hurt you. You always wanted her dead though didn't you, you wanted to slowly kill her yourself am i right. That's why you're so mad, because you couldn't kill her yourself" Stop it. Shut up. You're wrong. His face inched closer to mine, his breath reeking of candy. He wanted this, fine i'll give it to him. "Yes you're right. I wanted to watch her suffer for hurting me, but i was too late, so it seems" Saying he was surprised was an understatement, he was expecting me to fight back and make an excuse like every other one of his victims did. 

Laughing jacks POV
'I never expected her to admit to it' 'Why do I want to kiss this bitch?' 'Why did I get so mad when she was hurt and crying' 'Why do I want to protect her' I slowly moved my head lower until my cone nose was poking at her cheek, tilting it careful not to stab her eye out. 

Readers POV
What the hell was happening? Feeling Jack's hot breath tickle my face, he wanted to kill me a minute ago. Roughly grabbing my face with one hand as the other pinned down my arms above my head. Now I was really confused. I was in the middle of my thoughts when he crashed his lips against mine. Completely shocked at first but then gave into the kiss, he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I hesitantly let him in after a debate with myself. His mouth tasted like a mixture a flavored candy, his hand began to rub my thigh up and down, the blush on my face intensifying. Slightly moaning into the passionate kiss, I could feel him smirking. We pulled away for air, breathing heavily,"W-w-wha-t" Stuttering out past pants, blushing crazily. Jack notice and smiled for the millionth time, pushing himself up and walking out. 'He just walked out!' Just like that, he left me there confused. So I decided to do what any normal person would do, and that was to avoid him because I now found things awkward between us. 

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now