Meeting Laughing Jack Chapter 4

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Falling backwards in fear and hitting the ground, my hand shooting for my mouth in an attempt to silence my screams. The Clown let out a dark chuckle seeing me cower in fear, his ash grey eyes never leaving mine. "Hey kiddo, why didn't you eat the candy I left for ya?" Voice dark and raspy. "T-that was from y-you?" Inwardly cursing myself for stuttering, staring up at whatever he was. "Haha, sure was! I felt a little rejected when ya left it there" Chuckling to himself, he finds his own jokes funny?

"W-who are you?" My terrified voice came out as a quiet whimper, the intimidating clown took one step closer making me shuffle back, my back meeting the cold wood of the sink cupboard. "I'm Laughing Jack, but you can just call me Jack! And I'm guessing you are (Y/n)?" "H-how do you know my name" I gathered up the last of my courage to speak, his abnormally tall figure kneeling down on one knee to some to my level. "I know a lot about about you, Gumdrop" The cocky tone slightly ticking me off. "Well you don't know me as much as you think you do" As i said that, i kicked him where the sun doesn't shine knowing that this could go well or terribly bad. He let out a rather girly squeal for a guy with a deep voice, his clawed hands shooting for his area and holding it in pain. Swiftly running to the locked door but was roughly span around and slammed against it, grabbing my wrists making me scream in agony. "What was that!?" My father shouting up the stairs, nosy. The towering clown raising his eyebrow in confusion, ignoring my dad. Taking heed of the fresh blood dripping down my hands and the blood stained bandages past the jumper, slowly pulling down the sleeve even further and letting out a demonic growl of disapproval. "Why'd ya do this kiddo" His face plastered in severity, the words were a struggle to pass. Interrupted by my poor excuse of a dad shouting once again. "(Y/n)! Get your ugly ass down here now!" My body quivering, Jack pulled away and carefully let go of my wrists. "Keep quiet" Forcing the words out and running out of the bathroom to go downstairs, leaving the very stunned Jack standing there in my bathroom.

After I cleaned up the mess my father had made and making an excuse for my screaming, telling him i had fallen. Receiving many insults from him and retreating back into my room, an irritated look evident on my face. Noticing Jack sprawled out on my small bed, his body way too big and legs hanging off the edge. As he was lopped on my tiny ass bed, I got a good view of him. Taking it as an opportunity to take in his appearance, noting that he had shoulder length messy black hair, Ash grey eyes that i have already been glared at with. A black and white cone for his nose, deep black bags hanging under his eyes, paper white skin and an amazing jaw line. His body abnormally long, as well as black talons for fingers, but the thing that stuck out most was his sadistic smile. "What ya starting at, Gumdrop?" Arms resting lazily behind his head, shit he caught me staring. Desperately trying to cover up "I-I was wondering when you will leave" I hesitated, another chuckling escaping his black lips. "You're stuck with me Darling"

Oh shit, I'm screwed

Crazed/ Laughing Jack~ *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now