What's Your Plan?

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It was already morning when Barry woke up with a blanket on Caitlin's couch. He checked Caitlin if she's already awake but she's still sleeping so Barry decided to cook for them since it's just them in the house and they have no work after taking time off in S.T.A.R. labs.

"What to cook..."
He opened the fridge

"Ha! There you go"
"Sorry Caitlin but I will invade your kitchen this morning"
He laughed

Caitlin woke up and headed outside immediately to check Barry but when she came out of her room she saw Barry holding plates and utensils.

Barry saw her and said
"Good morning Cait!"

He rapidly fixed the table and went to her
"I just invaded your privacy"
"Ehem ehem... your fridge"

"Yes, Barry"
"I see"

"I'm sorry..."
He apologized like a kid while Caitlin laughed at him

"So what did you cook?"
"Wait before that"
"You don't have to apologize for cooking for us because I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't cooking for us if I woke up earlier than you"
"Because as you can see"
She pointed her clothes, she's still using her outfit last night

"I was too lazy and sleepy last night that I just slept"
She added

"I guess, you need coffee"
He said

"We both do"

"Nope, I'm feeling good"
"Good thing that drink you gave me didn't have any side effect"
He winked at her

He grabbed the pan and place the food on their plates

"Take a seat already!!!"
He told her

"I will"
"I just need to make my coffee"

"I will take care of that!"
He ran fast to Jitters to get coffee and came back with it

"Perks of being a speedster"
"Great? Isn't it?"
He said

"Yeah. Whatever"
She rolled her eyes

They ate and talked about things like Julian

"So you forgot to tell me about your problem, Caitlin"
He said

"It's about Julian"

"What about him?"
"I heard you have a thing, right?"

"Well he's leaving"


"Haven't you heard that he was promoted"

"Oh that..."

"Yeah that"
"In London"

"I didn't know that part"
"So he's leaving you?"

"Well yeah"
"Of course, I'm heartbroken, Barry"
She said

"That's terrible, Cait"
"Forget him, he's a dick after all"
He said

"It's hot in here"
"Oh Lord"
He added

"How could that be Catherine's not here"
She joked

"Ha ha very funny Caitlin"

"Fix the thermostat"

"Can I borrow your blender?"


"I want a shake..."
"Milkshake... maybe"

"Can't you just buy?"
" "Perks of being a speedster" you said"

He looked at her and said
"I'm gonna borrow the blender"

"Whatever you say, speedster"

He opened the freezer and checked the ice cubes

"It's still not frozen"

"Hand it over"


He gave the tray of ice to her

She froze the ice with just a blow

"Perks of being an ice queen"
"Great? Right?"
She mocked him and laughed

"Evil ice queen"

She looked mad at him

"I hate you"

"I was just joking!"

She rolled her eyes on him

*ding dong*

"I'll get it"
"It might be Catherine"
She said

She opened the door and saw her sister

"Hey girl hey!!!"
Catherine said

"Wow you looked tired...?"
"And sleepy"
She added

"Come in"
Caitlin said

They walked to the kitchen where Barry is

"Hey Catherine!"
He said

"Why are you here?"
Catherine said

"It's a long story"
Caitlin said

"Oh my god"
She giggled

They both said

"It's not what you think"
Caitlin defended

Barry agreed and winked at her

"Okay... whatever"
"Give me some of those food, I'll eat after I place this inside my room"
Catherine told Barry

Caitlin went back to the kitchen and felt the awkwardness between Barry and her. Catherine came back to them and said
"Who's gonna make shake?"

"I am"
Barry said

"Can I have some?"

"Sure sure"
"Sit right there and wait"
"Your food is right there just get it"
Barry said

"Have you heard anything about Cisco?"
She asked

"He said he'd help Gypsy first with her job"
"You know as a collector"
Caitlin said

Barry asked

She nodded

"Well that's great"
"At least he's with her"
He said

"Too bad Breacher's also there"
Catherine laughed

"So Barry, what are you upto now?"
She said after laughing

"I-I don't know"
He answered

"What do you mean you don't know...?"

"I mean I don't know for now"
"Maybe I'll just continue helping people"
"Our vacation is just a month or two"
"So after that we'll get back to the lab"


"How about you guys?"

"Well I don't have anything to do here so if you want, I can be your sidekick"
She laughed

"But really, I wasn't joking"
She added

"You can help me out"
He said

"How bout you, Cath?"

"I might go on a vacation somewhere with Tim or we can both help you guys on your vigilante stuff"
Catherine said

"That would be great"
"I appreciate it guys"
"I'm thankful to have friends like the both of you"
"Of course Cisco and all"
"I know we went through hell with what happened"
"That also led to tradegy..."
"Gonna miss her so much"
He said

"We all do"
Caitlin said and pat his shoulders

"Don't worry, you got us- your friends"
"Tim might be a newbie to the team but I guess he can pretty much cope up with everything that's happening and plus, he's just like you"
Catherine said

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