final chapter; my ihop buddy

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last chapter : again this was intended to be a short story (:

was going to be posted tomorrow but i figured why not right now..

louis had just sang his heart out. so had harry. they both were fortunately going to the next stage which was bootcamp where they would show off their potential in other things.

they had less than twenty minutes to learn a choreography, and to add in their own mix into it as freestyle. louis was struggling to keep up meanwhile harry was like a pro. after all, he had done dance for three years when he was nine.

"just follow my lead lou," harry whispers trying to go slower for louis to completely get the moves. louis copied him, stumbling a bit but not making a fool out of himself even more. when harry gets to the final pose so does louis which makes him feel proud of his friend.

"you got this!" harry says smiling highfiving him. louis smiles at him back and nods his head repeating the steps once more to get them in his head. he thought harry was a better teacher than the licensed instructor leading everyone.

harry feels extremely happy that louis was giving all he could. he wanted both of them to get through because he thought louis had a beautiful voice. an angelic type which made him want to hear it everyday.

"i know i didn't say this before but i really love your voice," he compliments taking a water break. he does the same and nods, "thank you, your voice is amazing by the way."

harry smirks, "i am in a band you know."

"really now?" louis asks mockingly taking a step towards harry. he takes a breath and leans over to his ear and whispers, "i think people who are in a band are hot."

harry pushes his playfully rolling his eyes, "stop louis." he says it with a laugh as he tried to hide his face at how red it had become. louis was just too beautiful. everything he said made harry weak at the knees.

"and i think small people like you are cute," harry whispers tauntingly taking advantage of their height difference. harry was now a little bit taller than louis, which he thought was cute. he remembered when he was the smaller of the two.

louis glares at harry because one of his insecurities was indeed his height. but his eyes softened when he realized harry did not mean to make fun of him.

they went back to join the small group as they practiced the routine over and over again. louis was now really getting the dance as he managed to make up his own routine as well for the freestyle slot they needed to do.

harry had everything ready as well in his head. he knew what he was going to do and how he would do it.

an hour or so later, five guys were called up to be judged. harry was one of them. the dj put the music and as everyone got ready, louis gave harry a thumbs up.

"you got this," he mouthed. harry closed his eyes with a nod before he joined the others in the routine they had rehearsed. when the freestyle portion came in harry began twirling. what? didn't i mention he took ballet? everyone stopped to look at him at how perfect his turns seemed to be. even louis stood shocked looking at harry dance away.

something that made him think that harry was just perfect in everything.

when the music was over, he opened his eyes and was surprised to see everyone's eyes on him. he lowered his eyes to the floor as he walked to louis, the judging was over so everyone had to walk off stage.

"hey there princess," louis laughs twirling around jokingly. harry smacks his chest to get him to stop because he felt embarrassed to have so many eyes on him.

"shut up, you're next," he states. he rolls his eyes with a smirk, "keep your eyes on me."

harry was left confused when louis walked to the stage meeting with the other people. the music began and louis did exactly how they had rehearsed. except when the freestyle came up instead of what he had planned he began to twirl around. more so, mocking harry.

harry gasps and crosses his arms as louis comes back laughing his arse off.

"you're not suppose to be playing around," he hisses, "this is your future lou."

louis continues laughing until harry gives him a smack on the head making him quiet down, "i'm serious! don't joke around this could change your future."

louis sighs making eyes contact with harry, "trust me harry. the only think i want in my future is you."

"you don't mean that," harry says shaking his head. it was all too fast for him.

louis took his hand suddenly and pulled his farther away from the stage. he felt like he just needed to get something off his chest and this was just the perfect time to do so.

"yes i do. you know how long i have been waiting to finally get to talk to you again? it's been eleven years! we were suppose to never forget about each other and visit each other whenever but that never happened. so finally getting to see you again means so much. i just want it to be like it was when we were smaller. you know i liked you when we younger right? that is why i would kiss you! i can not believe i never figured it out but i was a kid. now i'm eighteen harry and honestly i have never stopped," louis admits.

suddenly the room felt smaller. but no one seemed to realize as they continued with the auditions.

"and i know it's been so long and that we literally just saw each other again like four hours ago but seeing you made me go back to the feelings i thought had faded long time ago," he cries, "and the fact that we were friends for two weeks at a small age but you left a big impact on me, means something. i—i think i love you harry."

not a single person gave a damn about how harry had grabbed louis' face and had slammed his lips to his. nobody gave a damn when harry, out of all people, tangled his hands into louis' hair trying to not let get away again. nobody gave a second look when harry slipped away from louis' hand and with watery eyes told him;

"i think i love you too louis. a lot. and to think, a few years ago you were just my ihop buddy."

ok so the ending was not so well written but i just love them ok?

haha thank you for reading [300] reads whatttt?! haha tyyy <3

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