chapter three; legos are for bonding

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i said i would update next week but i just really love this story so i updated today haha

warning it's shorter :

"harry! come out of your room!" anne shouts as someone knocks on the door. it's been a week since harry had last seen louis and jay, but anne felt like she just needed to invite jay over with her son to have a chat.

jay's smiles widen when she sets eyes on anne as the door opens bringing her into a hug. "so nice to see you again," she says with a laugh as she purposely bumps into louis.

"y-yeah it is," louis stutters trying to be polite.

but he had other plans today. he was suppose to head over directly to his best mates' birthday party. he had a gift already wrapped up and everything! but his mum decided to stop by anne's apartment first before heading to niall's party.

"louis you can go to harry's room, seems like he doesn't want to come out," anne chuckles looking back to see the door of his room shut. harry was not really into the visit of the tomlinson's.

"come in," anne says welcoming her guest insides. she offers them a drink to which jay doesn't reject the offer.

"thank you dear," she thanks as anne gives her a glass of water. meanwhile she gives louis' a capri-sun juice. cherry flavored. his least favorite.

but he was taught manners from a very small age so he thanks harry's mum and drinks the juice without another word.

harry, inside his room, is concentrated in adding to his building made out of legos™️, having difficulty to get the pieces where he wanted it to. the least he wanted was to welcome jay and louis when he could be here adding onto his creation.

but suddenly, there was a knock on his door. he sighs figuring it was his mother so he doesn't get up from his place. instead of his mum who enters though, it's louis. he takes a look at the five year old's room and is shocked at the designs around his room.

he had power rangers everywhere. you could definitely tell he loved them because every single thing louis looked at was covered in bright figures. his eyes finally land on harry who has his tongue out in deep concentration, leaning over a table filled with legos.

"woah," louis says in awe as he steps into the room, "cool room dude."

harry's vision snaps up immediately, his cheeks becoming warm at the second. he takes notice that whenever he was around louis or at least his name was being mentioned, he'd blush. he wondered why.

"i ugh— you 'an't be in 'ere!" he rushes getting up bumping into the table and falling flat into his face. his building toppled over him falling as well to the ground. everything lost, right in front of him.

he couldn't stand looking at the mess. his eyes immediately watered up because he had worked weeks on it, and to see it on the ground half destroyed broke his tiny heart.

"oh my god! are you ok?!" louis says kneeling down to meet harry. his eyes connect with harry's green watery eyes that only made them pop more. he found himself lost in them, once again.

"n—no, e-everything is 'ad!" he cries lifting his hands to wipe the tears that had fallen onto his cheeks. louis can't help but think he looked beautiful as he cried.

what am i thinking? thinks the seven year old shaking his head.

he reaches for harry's hand and brings him up to his feet. "don't cry harry, please don't cry."

harry's cries stops but it stops because he became aware that louis indeed was tearing up in front of him. "w-why are you crying?"

louis takes a breath wiping his eyes fast as he says, "i'm not."

"mummy says ts bad to lie," harry states crossing his arms. his face looked puffed up which only made louis' think more of how adorable he looked.

"let's just forget it ok? i'll... i'll help you rebuild your lego ok?" louis offers as he crouches down to pick up the pieces that were on the floor. harry looks down dissatisfaction in his face because he knew louis had been trying not to cry.

he quickly forgot about the thought when louis and him spent the rest of the hour trying to build an ever better empire that what harry had done in the beginning. louis couldn't deny the fun he was having getting to know harry. and even though, he was missing a big part of his best mate's party he loved being her instead.. louis knew harry was younger yet that didn't stop him from actually enjoying himself.

harry showed him his power ranger set collection as well as some of his games that he only played whenever he had liam over. only this time, louis played instead.

"i'm going to beat you h!" louis shouts excitedly. harry looks over at him confused, "h?"

louis pauses as he licks his lips, "yeah, yer new nickname?" only he says it as a question. but harry loved it. so he nodded, "i like it."

they play for another fifteen minutes before louis' hears his name being shouted.


"do you 'ave to go now?" harry pouts. he was having fun with louis playing games. as well as he felt cooler than he was suddenly hanging with an older guy.

"yeah sorry bud, maybe my mum will come back. she seems to really like your mum," he laughs ruffling harry's hair. harry nods with a smile, a small giggle leaving his mouth.

"i like you h," louis says as he reaches for the door of harry's bedroom, "you're a a great friend."

friend. harry thinks. louis and i are now friends. his smile widens as louis leaves, feeling on top of the world to have a friend older than him.

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