chapter 5

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                Puppets P.O.V

"You know Thorn," I said looking at her. "I don't know how you know that name but it isn't very nice of you to lie like that." She tilted her head. For a secon I almost believed she was counfused. "W-what do you mean?" she asked. "Thorn stop pretending. Pft... As if you didnt know Vincent killed him. Its impossible Lefty's dead." I said.
"How could you lie to me telling me my cousin is still alive? And I thought you wern't an idiot, Thorn" Goldy said growling. "I'm teling you the truth." Thorn said. Goldie pinned her against the wall still growling. "You know Thorn, your alot like Vincent" Goldy raised his fist to strike her she got out of his grip and curled up in a ball. " please stop. D-don't hurt me, Vincent."
"You think i'm Vincent now don't you well I bet Vincent would-"
"Golden Freddy stop." I inturupted him "let go of her" Goldy backed up and Thorn ran upstairs. We gad the day off today.

               Thorn's P.O.V

(Play song now and wait for word to come on before reading.)

I started to wander what Vincent was doing. Goldy's words came to mind 'Thorn your a lot like Vincent' and 'you think i'm Vincent now?' How is Lefty dead I would have know then again maybe I should just not ask. "Ha ha" I laughed even though it wasnt funny it felt worse then when Vincent burned me with a ligter. I still have burn marks on my skin. My tears ran down my face. "I-I loved-d hi-him!" I half yelled I loved Puppet and I finaly admited it. Foxy came up to me "lass?" he asked sitting beside me. "Hey at least you not be dead is the ol captin right?"
"I tried so hard for friendship m-maybe even more with Puppet and (sob) they think I'm lying a-nd Goldy said that I was like Vincent and-" Foxy cut me off.
"You are not like Vincent lass you never have been. Its all gonna be ok, lassie, Thorn." I huged Foxy.
Toy chica came over "hey its gonna be ok." I looked at her "I'm having a bad day to. So like I have this 3 year old kid, who is turning 4 soon. The father was like looking after it but like I- he don't wanna it no more and I don't wanna it. Its name is toy chica after me but like you know. Its so stupi-" I cut her off, growling. "How could you be that mean to your own kid your calling them, not gonna assume their gender, an it. If you don't want your kid then I will adopt them." Thorn said
"I will help look after them." Puppet said as I turned around to see him standing behind us.
"And me good ol captin here will babysit the little lad or lassie."
Toy Chica laughed. "Im like so fine with that." Puppet, and I signed to be the main gaurdiens of the child. Then the paper wanted any backup gaurdiens to sign wich was optinal but Foxy signed that. The kid would be here in 3 days. Puppet took me to talk with him. I exsplained I wasn't lying. He finaly belived me then he did something I didnt suspect. He smashed his lips against mine I kissed back. "I love you, Thorn" he said
"I love you to, Puppet" I replied hugging him. I made up with Goldy. We hugged but I still wonder if he belives me about Lefty or not either way everyones happy now. Goldy seemed to kinda like toy chica, till he saw her true coulors and found out about the child. Some of the others are trying to defend her and stuff, but as for me, Goldy, Foxy, and Puppet we want nothing to do with her and she refused to let us meet the kids father but I don't think I wanna meet him either. "Im so excited to meet the kiddie, las" Foxy said I nodded only half listening memorys, an fears of Vincent filled my head. Nothing really made sense. Did I really talk to Lefty? Why does everyone think hes dead? Is he dead? Am I ever going to really meet him? Why would he choose to talk to me? How is he able to talk to me? Is he able to talk to the others? I have so many questions about Lefty alone im ready to rip my fur out! "Earth to Thorn," Puppet said. "Uh, oh sorry."

                 Mike's POV
No way  Thorn told me she  was adopting a kid that means im gonna be an uncle awesome. Hey! That also means Kyra gonna be an aunt. "Hey Kyra?" I said "yeah?" she replied
"Are you excited"
We hung out with Thorn that day but you could tell something was bothering her.

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