chapter 3

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                   Thorn's P.O.V
I stretched my wolf ears twitching slightly as I got out of bed. I wrote a bit in my diary and walked downstairs. Today I would preform for the first time and I was realy nervous. "Hey Thorn, you ok?" Puppet asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I thought of my dream 'you will be betrayed. Their is a traitor amoungst you. I have given Puppet the same dream.'  the dream had said. No, no, no, dreams are just dream, right. Right?! "Uh Thorn I would like to have a word with you after work. Uh, if you dont mind that is." I blushed "Alright I said. I finished eating breakfast.

"Oh, hello everybody. Umm... Today we have a new friend. Her names Thorn. Shes gonna sing us a song. Right Thorn?" Freddys said "Yep" I said then I started to sing a song called 'dont you worry child.' (play video now if you want.) "Their was a time I used to look into my fathers eyes, in a happy home I was king I had a golden throne. But those days are gone, now the memories on the wall. I still hear the songs from the place that I was born. Up on a hill across a blue lake, thats wear I had my first heartbreak I still remeber how it all changed. My father said 'don't you worry, don't you worry child. See heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now.' yeah. Their was a time I met a girl of a diffrent kind. We ruled the world. I thought I would never loose her out of sight. We were so young, I think of her now and then. I still hear the songs reminding me of a friend. Oh. Up on a hill across a blue lake, thats were I had my first heartbreak. I still remeber how it all changed. My father said, 'don't you worry, don't you worry child. See, heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now.' yeah. 'Don't you worry, don't you worry child. See, heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now.' yeah. 'Don't you worry, don't you worry child. See, heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now.' Yeah." I heard claps from the audience and smiled a little after all the kids were eating. I sat on my stage "hey, you know were aloud to walk around now right?" Mangle asked me. "We are?" I asked. "Yep." Foxy responded. I walked off stage. I watched Kyra talking to some people. I saw some kids walk over to me.   "Hel-lo what are your-r            nam-mes-s? Oh gosh Im stuttering. "Well I am Sally and this is my sister Ivy." one of the kids said. "Oh w-well hello. Ivy, Sally how are you d-doing today?"
"I'm doing good. Ivy's mute she can't talk. She can speak in sign language. Do you know sign languge."
"N-no I d-don't uh, um... Oh I have an odea. Wait here for a moment okay." I came back with a pencil and a few pieces of lined paper. 'Hello. I am doing good.' Ivy wrote. "Is this your first time being here?" I asked.
'No, actualy we come here often after school.'
"Oh cool. What grades are you in?"
'I'm in grade 4 Sally's in grade 7."
"O-oh cool." I said.

                  Time skip

                 Puppet POV

"Hey, Thorn we. Need to talk." I said.  "You sound mad. Are you mad? Did I do something wrong?" she responded.
"No it's just. Umm.. Well uh.. Its stupid. I had a dream an well, do you think their could ever be a traitor amoung us?" She gasped her eyes going wide "You had the dream to. That mean, that means that-that"
I cut her of "Its a vision. If we both had it, were obviouly not the traitor. However it could be anyone besides us, so, be very carefull of what you say to anyone. Ok?"
"Alright" she responded.
"We will try and figure this out follow me." I walked  I  led her to a hidden place of the pizzaria. I put in a passcode into the keyboard thingy, and the door opened we wallked down stairs. I saw golden freddy sitting their "Oh hello Goldy, what are you doing here? Say, Why are you always down here?"
"Trying to escape all the bone heads up stairs. Why is Thorn down here? isn't this place spoused to be I dunno, a secret?"
"Oh umm.." Thorn said
"Or prehaps" he countinued "you saw it to. You had the dream. Prehaps, the dream was sent to the only people in this building, besided are boss and the kids don't count, that are not totall idiots."
"Well, hes obviouly not the traitor then." Thorn said.

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