Chapter 9

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Please check the author's note at the end of the chapter, because its very important!


Chapter 9: Half A Heart / Best Song Ever

Georgia’s POV

This was a bad idea!

“I told you we shouldn’t have walked in the rain!” I scolded my best friend.

 “I’m sorry!” she apologizes, “I didn’t know we would get---“ before she could finish her sentence, a sneeze escaped her mouth, “a-choo!”

If you haven’t already found out, we have colds, thanks to walking in the rain the other day, which makes our voices a bit raspy, and makes us sneeze form time to time.

I was going to continue scolding her, when a thought came to my head, “What about Beverly’s party?”

That’s right; her birthday was today!

“I guess we’ll have to skip then.” She shrugs.

“Oh no we don't, missy.” I scold, “We--- a-choo!”

“Bless you.” Megan giggles.

“Megan…” I warn.


“We have to go!” I continue, “Please!”

“But we’re---“

“Sick, I know.” I finish her sentence, “But, please?”

“Georgia, we---“

“Please?” I give her my best puppy-dog face.

“Well, I think…”


Harry’s POV

Today is Bev’s birthday. Today the lads and I are required to sing at least one song for her, as a little birthday present.

However, Bev had her rules; once we were finished preforming, we were to wear our masks, so no one would recognize us, plus a hat, just in case. Bev wanted this party to be about her, not about One Direction.

“Thanks again for doing this, guys.” Bev thanks us for the millionth time.

“For the last time, Bev,” Niall gives her a goofy grin, “we are glad to do this for ya.”

“Plus; it is your birthday.” Louis adds.

“So your only doing this because it’s my birthday?!” She asks Louis, sounding offended.

“Maybe.” He shrugs.

“I can’t believe you, I---“

“Bev, I was kidding.” Louis interrupts her.

“I still hate you.”

That made Louis pout, and all of us laugh.


Once it was time for our performance, we got on stage. Once we were standing there, the crowd screamed like it was the last time they could. My eyes scanned the crowd for a certain person, until my eyes landed on her.

She was wearing a mask, and a bright blue ball gown. Even with a mask on, I was certain she was Megan. Once our gazed locked, I grinned, making her turn away, blushing madly.

The lads and I decided to sing ‘Half A Heart’, so once the song started, Liam sang.

“So your friends’ been telling me

My Ex-Girlfriend [Harry Styles]Where stories live. Discover now