The Truth Is Revealed

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Mama looked around nervously, "Alex you're not yourself." What do you mean I'm not myself? I'm right here aren't I? "Well yes your here, but what your mother's trying to say is that you're not you. Your a copy of someone else!" I looked around and closed my eyes believing I would wake up from this horrible nightmare. Except, only to see myself still at the hospital. If I'm a copy of someone does that mean... I'm a clone? All thoses stories that you've told me about cloning, am I like them? "Yes, you was made for a purpose; to help your other self. She needed an organ donor so we kept you for a while for that day to come." Mama said. I stared at her flabbergasted. Out of the corner of my eye, as I turned there I was! She looked exactly liked me! Same hair color, same nose, EVERYTHING! "Wow, you look exactly like me! I'm glad to have you as my organ donor you'll be my chance at life!" Angela proclaimed. I was about to take off but the doctors were blocking the front door, I insisted they let me go now! All I could hear was no and that they needed me for the operation. I felt two large hands hold on to me tight "LET ME GO!" I cried. "This won't hurt, we will take care of you, you'll be just fine," said papa. Tears started to roll down my eyes it's all happening so fast. Who knew this would be my last birthday. He threw me into a cold, dark, and gloomy room. I squeezed myself tight trying to comfort myself. I slowly drifted to sleep when I woke up I was on a operating table. I tried to get up but there were straps holding my hands and legs down. I heard a voice saying "It would all be over soon just close your eyes" I slowly started to lose consciousness. 

Am I The Real Me?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ