Angela's Point Of View

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Staring through the operation window, "I've never meant for it to be this way Alex, but you don't understand I have a life to live. Your just a stupid clone anyway, so what do you know" Angela thought to herself. For so long I have been fighting for my life. I never got to go outside I never got to be a normal person. Yet how could you be so selfish? At least you had a chance. Did your family ever give up on you, and just left you there to die? NO! It happened to me! Everything happens to me! With you I would be able to live again. I can be free from all of that pain. It can finally go away. Maybe I can even see my family again. The door suddenly opened. "Miss are you ready for your part of the operation?" The doctor said. I hesitated for a moment, "y-yes of course I am. I will just close my eyes and it would all be the start of a new beginning." A few hours pass and I woke up. "The operation was a complete success," the doctor said. I walked up to a mirror and looked at a scar that was from the operation. Am I really cured? Did you really fix me doc? "Yes, your family is waiting for you outside." I walked through the doors and stepped out. The bright sun hit my eyes. I got in the car and never saw them again. Sometimes, my thoughts come to that day that I met Alex. She haunts my dreams. Maybe she will forever still remain with me.  

Am I The Real Me?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum